
7 Quick Takes Friday: Easter bunnies, eggs, candy, activities, and other fun memories

Happy Easter! And look! I am able to post photos again! I’ll try not to overwhelm you with them. Let's get to the takes!
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7 Quick Takes Friday: Last day of school, releasing our butterflies, sad caterpillar news, counting angels, Weirdo Mister Fidget, and more

It’s the last day of school! I am so very sad to see first grade end. After the excitement of kindergarten last year, first grade—at least from this parent’s perspective—was a breeze.Leo could do his homework in the after-school program. His teacher emailed once a week about the assignments for
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Father William Watters: ‘Rather than curse the darkness, light a candle’

Through his 63-year Jesuit ministry, Father Watters fostered several schools, social outreach ministries and cultural endeavors.
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7 Quick Takes Friday: The trick-or-treat, smell my pumpkin cookies, give me a blimp poem edition

Today is the day of Halloween parties. I’m helping with one in kindergarten, attending one with our children at our friends’ house in the evening, and then rounding out the day with a final party with John in the evening.Yes, I’ll be in costume. No, I won’t tell you what mine
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7 Quick Takes Friday: Preparing for a blizzard, friendly procrastinators, cooking with kids, a monkey piñata, when your children want a dog, and more

A blizzard is coming.This will be our first real snow this winter, and our children are so excited. And, of course, schools are closed even though the snow hasn’t started. About 39 flakes fell from the sky on Wednesday night and the schools were delayed two hours the next morning.
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