How did you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? I baked Irish soda bread last weekend and it has lasted all week, mostly because our children don’t eat it.My plans to invite ourselves over to my parents’ house for a St. Patrick’s Day feast fell through when Daniel wasn’t feeling well yesterday.Read More
We might be a little less into Pokemon Go than we were earlier in the week. Maybe.I mean, we aren’t walking into walls and off cliffs. But we are stalking Pokemon in the library.And we are still taking pictures of the cool ones. Last night when we were walking through the neighborhood,Read More
When people ask me how I have time to blog, I tell them that writing is more important than sleeping. But I have a cold, so I might have to choose sleep over writing tonight. So these might be really quick takes. Of course, I have said that before, andRead More
When our little boy is really sick, he needs to be held.His cold has been getting worse. He creeps into our room during the night and lies on our floor next to the bed, just to be near us. I wake up and hear his rough breathing, so I takeRead More
Every October our school has a Friday night Boo Bash right before Halloween. The children and some of the adults dress in costumes, and families can sign up to decorate the tables. The children trick-or-treat at the tables and pick up candy or other trinkets as they go.At some point aRead More
It’s Friday!How many days did this week have? I lost count on day 13.Just kidding. It was actually a good week. I just think we are all a little tired and ready for the weekend.Read More
Dr. Barbara Ensor is hooked on Sudoku, the challenging 9-by-9 grid Japanese brainteaser seemingly everywhere lately in print and online. The challenge of Sudoku is that a number between one and nine can appear only once on each row, in each column and on each 3-by-3 area. The doctor realizes the puzzle is a way...Read More
Steward Beckham So, you’re a high school freshman a week into the school year, huh? Someone try to sell you an elevator pass yet? Not everyone is out to get you. Take Mount St. Joseph senior Steward Beckham for instance. He wrote the guide for freshmen below. Check it out. It might help you out....Read More