Annie McGann CumpstonJanuary 7, 1997 - March 23, 2003(All photos from the Cumpston Family and Annie's Playground unless otherwise noted)---Dove released by Tom and Megan Cumpston at the grand opening of Annie's Playground in 2005Photo: Baltimore Sun/Aegis---Ten years after the opening of Annie’s Playground in Fallston’s Edgeley Grove Park, the familyRead More
Our sons have decided they are going to open a gas station together. Their only disagreement is over which one of them will get to do the best job in the world—which is, of course, this.I suggested maybe they could take turns.Read More
I’m just barely getting this in under the wire, but this seems to be a day when I am behind on things. This evening I delivered belated birthday gifts that should have been given in July, which isn’t too terrible, and March, which is. So maybe these quick takes aren’t allRead More
How was your Thanksgiving celebration? Ours was everything I hoped it would be—delicious food, good conversation, and very little effort involved on my part. Next year maybe I will do more than bring the whipped cream, but this year that was about all I seemed to be able to manage.ThisRead More
On Wednesday night I picked up the boys from school. We drove home. I unloaded the car and carried in the backpacks and lunchboxes and piles of other stuff. Then I forgot to close one of the side doors of our van.Then it rained just a little less than itRead More