This is Christmas program week for us, with one beautiful one down and one to go today. We are excited for our younger son's wise man appearance, especially since he lost that very job last year. Where has Advent gone?Before Christmas Day arrives, I want to share some of theRead More
June 1 marks the 34th anniversary of the hot meal program at Our Daily Bread. This caring service of Catholic Charities has been committed since Day 1 to treating the city’s poor with dignity and respect with an eye to a brighter future. The hot meal program opened its doors in 1981 andRead More
Perry Cohen (left) and Austin Stephanos of Tequesta, Florida have been missing at sea since they left on a fishing trip on a small boat last Friday afternoon.It's Day 7 in the search for Austin and Perry...And the family and friends of the boys from Tequesta, Florida who disappearedRead More
Just when I was starting to miss our Elf on the Shelf—and I say that with no sarcasm because I actually do miss the morning hunt for Skylander—a new houseguest arrived for the week: Pete the Cat!Pete is the stuffed friend in our son’s kindergarten classroom who paid us aRead More