Thanks to a partnership with Catholic Charities USA and Ford Motor Company, Catholic Charities in Baltimore, Arlington and Washington and will be able to provide curbside assistance to area homeless and poverty-stricken communities for one week each month.Read More
That describes Lynn Thomas and Brian Yeatman, who were married by Father Jeffrey Dauses during 5 p.m. Mass Aug. 19 at St. Andrew by the Bay in Annapolis.Read More
The Adorers of the Blood of Christ and other landowners in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, have lost their court case to keep a natural gas pipeline from being built on their property.Read More
With floodwater as high as 20 feet from swelling bayous and waterways, thousands of homes in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston flooded as Tropical Storm Harvey continued to batter southeast Texas Aug. 28.Read More
San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller said in a statement that the archdiocese pledged its support to recovery efforts that will start after the rain and wind subside.Read More
A Catholic priest in the Arlington Diocese who wrote a column asking forgiveness for the time he spent as a member of the Ku Klux Klan 40 years ago when he was "an impressionable young man" has never paid court-ordered restitution for cross-burning and other racist actions he pleaded guilty of doing at that time.Read More
A total of $405,000 in national and local grants were distributed to institutions in the Archdiocese of Baltimore on behalf of CCHD by Bishop Mark Brennan.Read More
As the sun faded behind the home of Knights of Columbus Patapsco Council 1960 on Frederick Road in Catonsville Aug. 23, pro-life supporters dedicated a memorial to remember lives lost by abortion.Read More
The Catholic Church must continue to work to understand the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council and why they were made, rather than rethinking them, Pope Francis said.Read More
Mercy Sister Mary Neil Corcoran touched the lives of thousands of immigrants through her work in Hispanic ministries and the Hispanic Apostolate in Baltimore.Read More
Morality is never allowed to get in the way of style as Samuel L. Jackson and Ryan Reynolds find creative ways to dispatch a host of extras in the excessively mayhem-ridden action flick "The Hitman's Bodyguard."Read More