The role of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other bishops' conferences around the world is "catholic" -- working together to promote the church's mission, but also "to support peacebuilding and human development throughout the world," said Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state.Read More
Single people are the forgotten members of the Catholic Church, said a Catholic journalist who has developed expertise on this issue over the past 20 years.Read More
Pope John Paul I, known as the smiling pope, is pictured at the Vatican in 1978. Pope Francis has advanced the sainthood cause of Pope John Paul I with a decree recognizing his heroic virtues. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano)Read More
“We can’t start without acknowledging the past,” Father Donald Sterling said. “We’ve got to go through a metanoia, a change of heart. It’s been woven into people’s consciousness, that this (racism) is alright, rather than us being responsive to each other as true brothers and sisters in Christ.”Read More
"Novitiate" falls short of presenting a well-rounded picture of what it is -- or, in this case, was -- like for a young woman to enter religious life and discern whether it's right for her.Read More
“The main ingredient is that our schools and students witness the presence of God every day," said LaUanah King-Cassell, of Ss. James and John. "He is the fiber of everything we do.”Read More
Immigration advocates decried a Department of Homeland Security decision to end Temporary Protected Status for 2,500 Nicaraguans who have been living in the United States for nearly 20 years.Read More
"It makes me so sad when I celebrate (Mass) in the square or in the basilica and I see so many cellphones in the air," the pope said. "And not just by the lay faithful, some priests and bishops, too."Read More
When the government starts putting restrictions on the practice of the faith, the lieutenant governor said, it is good to keep in mind “why we have the Constitution and the amendments and the sacrifices of the Carroll family.”Read More