President Donald Trump said that his administration "will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the right to life."Read More
New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York invoked the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. during a homily at the Jan. 18 Mass that opened the National Prayer Vigil for Life.Read More
Josephite Father Joseph Francis Xavier Del Vecchio, whose gruff exterior could not hide the compassion he showed several generations of children in West Baltimore, died Jan. 13Read More
"Hostiles" works from the premise that not only were white soldiers in the 1890s aware of their complicity in the decades-long genocide of Native Americans, they could feel immense, paralyzing guilt about their actions.Read More
Honolulu Bishop Larry Silva gave general absolution to about 45 people in a deacon formation program in response to the alert of an imminent ballistic missile attack that put Hawaii in a state of panic shortly after 8 a.m. Jan. 13.Read More
Christians must be aware of the injustices and exploitation suffered by migrants and those seeking a better life for themselves and their families, Pope Francis said.Read More
School Sister of Notre Dame Sister Caroleen Baummer, who spent most of her 43 years in education teaching music at Notre Dame Preparatory Lower School in Towson, the former St. Ann School in Baltimore and the Institute of Notre Dame in Baltimore, died Dec. 4 at 94.Read More
A funeral Mass for Sister Mary Teresa Carmichael was offered Jan. 2 at Assisi House in Aston, Pa. A professed member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia for 71 years, Sister Mary Teresa died Dec. 28 at Assisi House, at age 93.Read More
The Holy Father recognized the efforts of the country's priests and religious to respond to sexual abuse claims and he said he knew sometimes innocent priests and men and women religious are viewed with suspicion.Read More
When mothers are in prison, "children are the ones who suffer the most," a female inmate at San Joaquin Women's Prison told Pope Francis Jan. 16.Read More
American Catholic women are increasingly disengaged from the church although they remain affiliated and say helping the poor and receiving the Eucharist are the most important aspects of what it means to be Catholic.Read More