
Some Islamic terms defined

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Here are some terms commonly associated with Islam:
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Confronting fear, faith and hope: Nigerian missionaries grapple with tough Baltimore realities

As the priest sits in his solitary rectory office at St. Peter Claver in West Baltimore, a driving spring rain beats against the iron-barred windows. The storm pelts scattered debris on the streets and sidewalks of the troubled neighborhood – flushing foam cups and bits of broken concrete into the gutter along Fremont Avenue. Not...
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New Jersey man pleads guilty to plotting attack on pope during 2015 visit

Santos Colon planned to utilize a sniper to shoot the pope during his public Sunday Mass Sept. 27 on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia. He also planned to set off bombs in the surrounding area.
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Pope Francis meets Britain’s Prince Charles at the Vatican

Britain’s Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the duchess of Cornwall, met April 4 with Pope Francis at the Vatican.
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Pope approves provisions to recognize marriages of SSPX faithful

Pope Francis has made it possible for bishops to ensure the validity of marriages celebrated in the traditionalist communities.
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Georgetown sets date to rename buildings honoring a slave, black teacher

Georgetown University will rename two buildings on campus previously named for priests who sold 272 people into slavery.
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