St. Agnes, Catonsville, is inviting Catholics who have become inactive in the church to take another look at the church. If individuals have friends or family members who have "fallen away" and are not sure how to reach out to them, members of the Catholics Returning Home team at St. Agnes would be pleased to...Read More
How can we make the Blessed Virgin weep? How about taking the sacramental that is associated with her and with world peace and naming it for an elite corps of killers – say, a “Ranger Rosary?” (CR, April 5)Read More
ALBANY, N.Y. – Bishop Daniel W. Herzog, recently retired Episcopal bishop of Albany, and his wife, Carol, have left the Episcopal Church and re-entered full communion with the Catholic Church. Both were raised as Catholics and joined the Episcopal Church as adults. In a letter to his successor, Bishop William H. Love, Bishop Herzog said...Read More
March kicked off the four-week Cool Kids Campaign Reading Challenge and six Catholic schools have opened their books: St. Pius X School, Rodgers Forge; Holy Family School, Randallstown; St. Ursula School, Parkville; St. Katharine, Baltimore; St. Margaret School, Bel Air; and School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Homeland.Read More
Have a humorous summertime story to share? The Catholic Review seeks grilling and swimming pool anecdotes for our May 31 Summer Sizzle special section.Read More
In their quest to meet recertification criteria mandated by the Maryland State Department of Education, teachers have an alternative to spending $1,500 per graduate level course at a state or private college. Labeled “the best kept secret” by adjunct professor Teri Wilkins, the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Educational Technology Leadership Program is delivering convenience and quality...Read More
Though the April 2 tsunami that devastated several Solomon Islands villages occurred halfway across the globe from St. Dominic, Hamilton, parishioners were urged to help in the relief effort. St. Dominic pastor Father James P. Kiesel added a special collection to his Easter Sunday Masses and said it was even more important to reach out...Read More
What should be the role of the laity in the Catholic Church in 2007? Catholic Review columnist George Weigel recently discussed “Pope Benedict XVI and the Future of the Catholic Church” at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Homeland, March 14, and gave an excellent presentation.Read More
Members of the St. Vincent de Paul committee at St. Francis de Sales, Abingdon, signed their parish up for a $1 million challenge sponsored by the Feinstein Foundation to help fight hunger in their community. “Through the St. Vincent de Paul Society we set aside time for people in the community to come in and...Read More
MILWAUKEE – Dismas Ministry, a Milwaukee-based national outreach program for Catholic inmates, has begun distributing a Spanish-language Bible-study correspondence course for prisoners. The course is called “Dios con Nosotros” and is the Spanish version of “God With Us,” a Bible study course especially designed for prisoners.Read More