
Knights of Columbus holds annual convention

During the 109th annual Knights of Columbus Convention Awards Ceremony on May 19 Michael Sallese, state program director, welcomed all to the awards program and invited State Chaplain Monsignor Jeremiah Kenney, KCHS, to say the opening prayer. “The awards to be presented today are based on a set of criteria that councils must meet to...
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Sister Mary Lanahan, S.N.D. de N.

Sister Mary Lanahan, S.N.D. de N., died at Peninsula Medical Center in Salisbury May 23 from congestive heart failure. Sr. Mary was 73 years of age and had lived 55 of her years in the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Memorial services will be held at a later date.
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Parishioner’s award becomes St. Agnes Hospital’s gain

When Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Homeland, parishioner Albert “Skip” Counselman was awarded a lifetime achievement award from a Hartford, Conn.-based insurance firm, it was St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore that took the big-cash reward. Travelers – the nation’s second-largest writer of property and casualty insurance – gave the Caton Avenue hospital a $10,000 check,...
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Longtime minister missed

It happened during a retreat at St. Joseph Church.
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Priest was example of apostleship

I wanted to add something to the article regarding Father John Delclos (CR, May 10). His phone ministry was an absolute comfort.
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St. Ignatius audience enthralled by black Catholic history address

Charles Village resident Mark Kirby found the topic of a St. Ignatius, Baltimore, presentation on the history of black Catholics in Maryland mesmerizing, mainly because he hadn't examined the race with the religion in a historically relevant manner before. "It's one of those hidden corners of our history," the white St. Ignatius parishioner said. "I...
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Cardinal Keeler ordains nine new deacons

As nine candidates knelt before Cardinal William H. Keeler May 19, the archbishop of Baltimore placed his hands on each man's head and ordained them a deacon. Thunderous applause reverberated throughout the packed Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Homeland, during the 10 a.m. Ordination to the Diaconate, after each of the nine candidates completed his...
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Baltimore activists featured in book produced by students

The product of a semester-long collaboration between Loyola College in Maryland and the Students Sharing Coalition (SSC) is a recently published book about 18 Baltimore youth activists, “Changing the World Around Us: Profiles in Youth Activism.” Students in Cinthia Gannett’s writing class interviewed the activists and wrote profiles while students in Peggy O’Neill’s class contributed...
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Zambian bishops express dismay over delay

LUSAKA, Zambia – Zambia’s Catholic bishops have expressed “great dismay” over the government’s delay in reviewing and enacting a new constitution. “The people are tired of the slow pace” of the constitutional review process, said the Zambian bishops’ conference in a May 16 statement. The bishops urged the government “to desist from excessive legalism” and...
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Building in Jamaica

Sacred Heart School, Glyndon, students collected more than 100 cartons of books and donations the week of May 7 to help build a library in Jamaica through Food For The Poor.
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Mercy High establishes endowment

Mercy High School in Baltimore is establishing its first-ever endowment and has already raised $1 million during a “quiet phase” of a capital campaign supporting the fund. School leaders formally launched the “Securing the Future” campaign May 3, bumping up the initial target goal of $1 million to $1.5 million. Mary John Snyder, a member...
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Tender signs of love displayed years after loved ones die

Coins still rest on Conner Greig’s grave stone engraved with a baby angel at St. Ignatius, Hickory. Toddler Blaine, age 3 at the time of his brother’s death, placed the money there a dozen years ago so Conner would be able to call home. Now age 15, The John Carroll School, Bel Air, 10th-grader continues...
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