Two articles on the passing of Father John Delclos, one in The Baltimore Sun, mentioned that he was an “emotional preacher.” In my opinion that can be misleading.Read More
A funeral Mass was offered June 2 at Immaculate Conception Church, Elkton, for Sister Cecilia Mary Grimes, O.S.F. Sister Cecilia Mary died May 30. She was 76 and had been a professed member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia for 54 years.Read More
The Archdiocesan Holy Name Union awarded (11) $500 tuition grants to students who will attend Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.Read More
Thank you for the recent section, “Remembering World War II” (CR, May 24). All those who served in that war deserve our gratitude. Sadly, there are two groups whose time in uniform during that war has been often unrecognized: women and racial minorities.Read More
JERUSALEM – A new Web site set up by a group of Palestinian and Cypriot Christians has allowed thousands of Christians worldwide to virtually light a candle at the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth. “There are many Christians who are not able to come to the Holy Land for lack of money, lack of...Read More
The Maryland Chamber of Commerce inducted Sister Helen Amos, R.S.M., executive chair, board of trustees for Mercy Health Services, into the Maryland Business Hall of Fame May 10.Read More
HONG KONG – One of two Chinese priests jailed for “illegal exit” after a trip abroad was released provisionally for medical treatment in mid-May, about one and a half months before the end of his sentence.Read More
During the 109th annual Knights of Columbus Convention Awards Ceremony on May 19 Michael Sallese, state program director, welcomed all to the awards program and invited State Chaplain Monsignor Jeremiah Kenney, KCHS, to say the opening prayer. “The awards to be presented today are based on a set of criteria that councils must meet to...Read More
Sister Mary Lanahan, S.N.D. de N., died at Peninsula Medical Center in Salisbury May 23 from congestive heart failure. Sr. Mary was 73 years of age and had lived 55 of her years in the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Memorial services will be held at a later date.Read More
WILMINGTON, Del. – The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington contains chapels representing many Catholic ethnic groups in the United States – with one big exception. “Where is the Italian chapel?” Wilmington Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli has often asked. That very omission is why he, a cardinal and three other...Read More