Catholic bishops near the U.S.-Mexico border, joined by other U.S. prelates, voiced opposition just after President Donald Trump's Feb. 15 declaration of a national emergency so he can order construction of a barrier along parts of the border between the two countries.Read More
Mount St. Mary’s University President Timothy E. Trainor announced Feb. 14 that the Bolte Family Foundation will donate $3 million to help expand and renovate the Knott Academic Center, home to the Richard J. Bolte, Sr. School of Business.Read More
Time, experience and reflection have "purified" liberation theology and its attempts to make clear what the Gospel says about social injustice, Pope Francis said.Read More
Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, the prom experience was hosted by churches around the world the night of Feb. 8. A first-time host, OLPH was the only Archdiocese of Baltimore parish to participate.Read More
Inquiring minds – especially Catholic newspaper editors during Lent -- need to know: Should the headline of their calendar-of-events listings be fish "fries" or fish "frys"?Read More
The essential message of "Isn't It Romantic," concerns the need to appreciate yourself before you can be open to receiving love. That's a valid enough lesson for emotionally fearful Natalie to learn. But, along the way, her educational adventure takes on topics best suited to mature viewers.Read More
Sponsored by the Office of Black Catholic Ministries, the event honors not just contributors to parish life in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, but Mother Lange, who helped found the Oblate Sisters in 1829.Read More
Prayer is not just a private and intimate dialogue between a person and God, but rather an opportunity for Christians to bring the needs of others before the Lord, Pope Francis said.Read More
Gary Sinise, the actor perhaps best known for playing Lieutenant Dan in the 1994 movie "Forrest Gump," followed a rather unusual path to becoming a Catholic.Read More
The Supreme Court's refusal to allow an imam to be present at a Muslim man's execution Feb. 7 was "unjust treatment" that is "disturbing to people of all faiths," said two U.S bishops.Read More