
Sisters standing on street

Radio Interview: New religious community serves Baltimore’s forgotten people of the streets

The Archdiocese of Baltimore recently welcomed a new international community of international community of religious sisters who minister to people who are homeless and living on the streets of downtown Baltimore.
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Deacon Mortel

Deacon Mortel, who inspired many to help his homeland of Haiti, dies at 88

Deacon Rodrigue Mortel, who as director of the Missions Office for the Archdiocese of Baltimore inspired dozens of parishes in the archdiocese to support sister churches in his homeland of Haiti and led hundreds of Catholic high-schoolers on summer missions there, died April 22 at his home in Hershey, Pa.
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young adult missioners in Haiti

From a distance, young adult missioners continue support of Haiti

After hearing how the coronavirus pandemic has affected communities across Haiti, Brooke Nixon and Olivia du Bois rallied their former mission group for a fundraiser in support of Les Bons Samaritains and its community’s response to COVID-19.
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Students show generosity to prisoners in Haiti

The Archdiocese of Baltimore Missions Office partners with the Mortel Foundation to serve and educate the poor in Haiti. Through this partnership, the Mortel Foundation operates schools in Saint Marc, Haiti with a focus on forming the entire person- not just their intellect.
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Hoops for Haiti

Students from Loyola Blakefield in Towson recently participated in a mission trip to Haiti, where 80 percent of the population lives below the poverty level.
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Prayers, then applause from mission to Haiti during return to Baltimore

The group’s originally scheduled flight home July 7 was canceled after sometimes-violent protests in Haiti.
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Haiti alumna’s story: 15 years later

I always knew I wanted a life of being immersed in other cultures, and one week in Haiti only completely confirmed this.
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Baltimore seminarians spend break serving in Guatemala

The seminarians ranged from pre-theology to those in their temporary diaconate year. They worked alongside the native people in many projects.
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