Elizabeth McAlister, a 78-year-old peace activist from Jonah House in Baltimore, was among seven Catholic peace activists detained at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia early April 5, hours after entering to protest nuclear weapons.Read More
Those who turn a blind eye to the children who are victims of human trafficking; young refugees from Afghanistan or Syria; or the young ones among us who do not have ample food, clothing, shelter and education, contribute to their neglect.Read More
For the first time in more than a half century, digitized footage of the cardinal’s television appearance is now available for viewing on Youtube.Read More
CATONSVILLE – In a first for two Archdiocese of Baltimore parishes that share a pastor, parishioners of St. Agnes in Catonsville and St. William of York in Ten Hills gathered March 17 in a Lenten project that packed 20,000 meals for the people of a small, poverty-stricken country of West Africa where hunger is widespread....Read More
The funds will help to provide additional safety measures, capital improvements and scholarship assistance for students from low-income households or who have special needs. Read More
The Maryland Catholic Conference announced March 28 that Jennifer Briemann will succeed Mary Ellen Russell as the conference’s new executive director in June.Read More
April 4 marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose principles of nonviolence in the pursuit of civil rights inspired Archbishop William E. Lori’s most recent pastoral letter.Read More
More than 24 gallons of oil were distributed to parishes and other Catholic institutions at the archdiocesan chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland March 26.Read More