President Donald Trump credited attendees at the 47th annual March for Life for their commitment to protect the life of unborn and born children.Read More
Catholic priests get asked a lot of questions, but for Father Rafael Capó one question comes up more often than not. “Hey Father, what do you bench?”Read More
Arthur E. P. “Ed” Wall, a former editor of the Catholic Review from 1965 to 1971 who would later become director and editor-in-chief of what is now Catholic News Service, died Jan. 18 in Orland Park, Ill. He was 94.Read More
A longtime parishioner of St. Bernardine Church in West Baltimore died Jan. 18 after being shot earlier this month outside her apartment complex, apparently caught in the crossfire as she smoked a cigarette.Read More
The faithful included members with Down syndrome who have benefited from their time at Camp GLOW; people in wheelchairs; and those interpreting in American Sign Language for the hearing impaired.Read More
If Ray Kelly can turn things around, so can Baltimore City. That was among the takeaways Jan. 15 at Center Stage, when the Archdiocese of Baltimore and Catholic Charities of Baltimore were host to a “Faith in Baltimore” program.Read More
Dorothy and Fred Squires are celebrating 70 years of marriage. They have inculcated a sense of respect for religious diversity among their children.Read More
Sens. Benjamin Cardin and Christopher Van Hollen, both Maryland Democrats, joined Archbishop William E. Lori and other local faith leaders to call for increased federal funding to strengthen security at religious sites amid a recent rise in anti-Semitic attacks.Read More
A group of students from Towson University were among nearly 9,000 from across the country to attend Fellowship of Catholic University Students’ annual Student Leadership Summit, held at the Phoenix Convention Center in Arizona Dec. 30 to Jan. 3.Read More