Five years after the Islamic State invaded northern Iraq and began systematically persecuting the country's Christians, the Knights of Columbus are continuing their work of supporting Iraqi parishes that are rebuilding, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said in his annual report Aug. 6 at the Knights' 137th Supreme Convention in Minneapolis.Read More
As residents of El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, mourned the loss of 31 people in mass shootings Aug. 3 and Aug. 4, the Knights of Columbus honored a teen who died in May trying to save the lives of his classmates during a shooting at his suburban Denver high school.Read More
A long-standing tradition will end this summer as the Knights of Columbus discard the ceremonial capes and plumed chapeaus of its fourth-degree members.Read More
At a time of unrest in the Catholic Church and the nation, several priests in the Archdiocese of Baltimore said they hope the upcoming visit of a major relic of a 19th-century priest known for his holiness will inspire genuine change.Read More
The supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, calling the organization "an American Catholic cultural icon," said senators have no business questioning a federal judicial nominee's membership in the Knights over its support for church teaching on abortion and same-sex marriage.Read More
Charity and Unity, the first two principles that guide the Knights of Columbus, were on display in equal measure at St. Ambrose in Park Heights Dec. 8.Read More
The incorrupt heart of one of the Catholic Church’s most beloved saints will be available for public veneration Nov. 10-11 at St. Mary’s Historic Seminary Chapel on Paca Street in Baltimore as part of a national relic tour sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.Read More
More than 1,000 people gathered in the rain on top of Holy Land USA as Archbishop Leonard P. Blair of Hartford celebrated Mass to honor Father Michael McGivney, a candidate for sainthood and the founder of the Knights of ColumbusRead More
"We plead with the international community not to neglect Ukraine and that we not be left alone with a much bigger and more powerful aggressor," said Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of Kiev-Halych, Ukraine.Read More
As you’d imagine, there are various proposals on how to move forward. Whatever takes shape, I think it will be important that it is rooted in deep repentance on the part of bishops, that it entails openness and honesty, that it involves the laity, and that is more than a matter of new policies and...Read More