Keeler Homilies

Statement on the occasion of the naming of Bishop Gordon D. Bennett as the Bishop of Mandeville, Jamaica

To Bishop Gordon D. Bennett, in the name of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, I express the warmest congratulations together with our heartfelt gratitude for your faithful, pastoral work among us. May the Lord bless and sustain you as you preach the Gospel of Jesus and offer the sacraments of the Church to God’s people in...
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Permanent Deacons Convention

Welcome to the most historic place of worship in the United States! In 1806 the first bishop of the United States, John Carroll, laid the cornerstone for this first Cathedral in our land. The only master architect in the infant United States, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, was then working for President Thomas Jefferson in supervising the...
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Statement of Cardinal Keeler on the Appointment of Rev. Msgr. Mitchell Rozanski

This morning the Holy See announced the appointment by Pope John Paul II of Monsignor Mitchell T. Rozanski as Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore and Titular Bishop of Walla Walla. With the many who know Bishop-elect Rozanski personally, I am deeply grateful to the Holy Father for this appointment and look forward to working with the...
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Homily at Ordination Mass

Isaiah 61:1-3 The passage from the Prophet Isaiah is a reminder to us all of how the Lord God operates: Isaiah recounts how he was anointed by the Lord. “He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners,...
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Letter to Governor Ehrlich

The Honorable Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. State House Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Dear Governor Ehrlich: We come to you about the matter of capital punishment and the prospect of yet another Maryland execution of an individual who has been found guilty of the crime of murder. We write to encourage the application of your mercy to...
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Catholic-Jewish Dialogue: A Developing Agenda

With two very important exceptions, the Shoah and the deeper levels of theological discourse, which I will deal with at the end of this paper, the agenda for dialogue between Catholics and Jews has been rather remarkably constant since its early days at the time of the Second Vatican Council. One of the first formal...
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Reflections on Anti-Semitism and the Church

The first half of the 20th Century was arguably the most violent and tragic period in human history. Two World Wars devastated much of the globe. Advances in technology enabled totalitarian regimes to destroy entire populations. Indeed, a new vocabulary with words such as “genocide” and “Holocaust” had to be developed to describe the horrors...
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Prayer Vigil for Murdered Children

Dear Father Gilmour, On behalf of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and on my own behalf, please convey to the families of the children who died and to the Hispanic community the expression of my deepest sympathy. May the Lord grant them consolation in the hope of eternal life, and may Our Lady of Guadalupe intercede...
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Prayer Vigil for Murdered Children – Spanish

Estimado Padre Gilmour, En nombre de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore y en el mío propio, les doy mi más sentido pésame a las familias de los niños que fallecieron y a toda la comunidad hispana. Que el Señor les dé consuelo en la esperanza de la vida eterna, y que Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe interceda...
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From Time to Time

Questions are being raised about offering the Eucharist to certain Catholic politicians whose records indicate their support for abortion. Let no one be confused about the fundamental importance of the human life issue in our ongoing public policy debate. In homilies given over the years and published in the Catholic Review I have said the...
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Message of Sympathy to the Dominican Republic

His Eminence Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez Archbishop of Santo Domingo Arzobispado Apartado 186, Calle Isabel la Católica 55 Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Your Eminence, I write to communicate our feelings of solidarity and deepest sympathy with you and the people of the Dominican Republic during this time of grieving and sorrow for the...
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Message of Sympathy to Haiti

Most Rev. Yves-Marie Péan Bishop of Les Gonaïves Avenue des Dattes 89 Les Gonaïves Haiti Dear Bishop Péan, I write to communicate our feelings of solidarity and deepest sympathy with you and the people of the Dominican Republic during this time of grieving and sorrow for the victims of the floods and their families. May...
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