Keeler Homilies

Tribute to Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli

The Saint Thomas More Award and Bishop Saltarelli On this day dedicated to the most Holy Trinity, we gather for the annual St. Thomas More dinner, to honor a saint so deserving of honor, because of his honesty and sense of what is right. Let me tell you something which had not been told publicly...
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Re-interment of Bishop Chanche

To Bishop Joseph Latino I am deeply grateful for the invitation to preach on this occasion and for attending to the details associated with my coming to Natchez. Thanks also to Mr. Michael Ruck and his staff. When Bishop Latino wrote about the possibility of bringing Bishop Chanche back here for burial, I immediately turned...
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Zionist Brandeis Award Event

As Neil Rubin of the Jewish Times can attest, when people come to my office to see me, they may be asked to wait opposite the one photograph mounted beside the doors to the elevators. It shows Pope John Paul II, as he placed his prayer into the Western Wall in Jerusalem, a prayer which...
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From Time to Time

There has been much discussion and promotion in the media about the upcoming release of the motion picture, The Da Vinci Code. The Dan Brown novel, which I read as entertaining fiction, has jumped from the entertainment pages to the front pages of many
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From Time to Time

There has been much discussion and promotion in the media about the upcoming release of the motion picture, The Da Vinci Code. The Dan Brown novel, which I read as entertaining fiction, has jumped from the entertainment pages to the front pages of many news publications, and the electronic media have given it similar treatment....
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Homily – Chrism Mass

We remember in this Mass our sick priests, Father Joseph McManus, Pastor Emeritus of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Baltimore, and Father John Carter, who recently underwent major surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital, and is now convalescing at the home of his sister and brother-in-law; and let us pray for Monsignor Arthur Valenzano, very ill...
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Homily – Palm Sunday

The drama of the Passion, just now proclaimed in the Gospel of St. Mark, dominates this Eucharistic celebration. It is well that we remember that Jesus’ story does not end with his death. Indeed, this week we try to relive, in the liturgy, all the aspects of the betrayal, the passion and death, and the...
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Homily Given by Cardinal Keeler at St. Michael’s

En la noche del viernes regresé de un viaje a Cuba. Fuí a Cuba por una invitación del Obispo José Siro Gonzalez Bacallao, Obispo de Pinar del Río, en el occidente de la isla. Estuve allí para celebrar a su Santo Patrón, San Rosendo. Mientras estuve allá me reuní con el Cardenal Jaime Lucas Ortega...
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Homily: Pro-Life Mass

Cardinal McCarrick, thank you for your welcome to this great Church, my brother bishops, thank you for coming again in such great numbers here. My sisters and brothers, pilgrims all in the cause of life, thank you for filling once again this great shrine. It is a place of prayer and hope. You come, all...
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Homilia en la Misa por la Vida

Como presidente del comité de actividades pro-vida de nuestra conferencia nacional de obispos, he podido ver a través de toda la nación, el trabajo incansable de muchas personas dedicadas a la gran causa por la vida con la esperanza de que tenga fin la maldición del aborto legal. Permítanme comenzar con la más profundas gracias...
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Nostra Aetate After Forty Years

At the outset, I wish to express my gratitude to Rabbi David Straus, the President of the Board of Rabbis, for his gracious words of welcome and to Father Gregory J. Fairbanks, Director of the Archdiocesan Office for Ecumenical and Religious Affairs, for his kind words of introduction. 
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Deacon Convocation – Homily Reflections

With the pastors present, I express to you the deep gratitude of so many for your continued service to souls. The word “continued” is used to signify that your participation in the life of the Archdiocese in so many ways and your prayers are still necessary and important parts of the ways in which you...
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