Hispanic Ministry

Archbishop Lori supports call-in day to urge Congress to save DACA

"We are deeply disappointed that the Senate was not able to come together in a bipartisan manner to secure legislative protection for the Dreamers," the USCCB officials said in a joint statement Feb. 19.
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Fe de joven adulta hace impacto en la Iglesia de San José en Cockeysville

La cara de Anita Martínez brilla de alegría cada vez que ella habla acerca de su fe católica.
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Declaración del arzobispo William E. Lori sobre la cancelación del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para El Salvador

El arzobispo William E. Lori, arzobispo de Baltimore, expresó su decepción y grave preocupación por el anuncio emitido el día de ayer por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional sobre la cancelación del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para El Salvador.
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Young adult’s vibrant faith makes an impact at Cockeysville parish

“I’ve heard that some young people here call her ‘Mama.’ This gives me great joy to have someone in our parish with such great impact on young adults,” Father Osorio said.
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Arzobispo Lori preside celebración arquidiocesana a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

La nevada del 9 de diciembre no evitó que cerca de 500 personas asistieran a la celebración arquidiocesana en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la Iglesia de St. John en Westminster.
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Archbishop Lori presides at archdiocesan celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Close to 500 people weathered a steady snowfall the evening of Dec. 9 to participate in the archdiocesan celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. John Church.
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Catholic wedding in Columbia unites 10 Hispanic couples

Half of the couples were from El Salvador, but Mexico and Colombia were also represented. The wedding was webcast for their families across Latin America.
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Los oficiales de la Iglesia responden a los recientes arrestos de inmigrantes en Maryland, y a la propuesta de reducir el número de refugiados

El obispo Brennan añadió: "Nuestro país ha sido históricamente un refugio para aquellos que huyen de la violencia, la guerra y la persecución religiosa y política. Reducir tan drásticamente el número de refugiados admitidos en nuestro país es contrario al largo historial de Norteamérica de dar la bienvenida a esas personas ".
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Archbishop Lori shows support for young immigrants facing possible deportation

In a show of support for young undocumented immigrants who could face deportation if the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is eliminated, Archbishop William E. Lori celebrated a Mass in Spanish at St. Patrick in Fells Point Sept. 13, assuring the immigrant community he stands with them.
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Columbia parish celebrates 50 years as a community united in diversity

The concept of the interfaith center stems from the city’s own beginning 50 years ago during a time when the United States was still grappling with segregation.
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Pope says he hopes Trump reconsiders DACA decision

Politicians who call themselves pro-life must be pro-family and not enact policies that divide families and rob young people of a future, Pope Francis said.
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