Hispanic Ministry

Highlandtown parish plans July 23 refugee-themed ‘Way of the Cross’

The pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus-Sagrado Corazón de Jesús wants to alleviate fear in the immigrant community.
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Migrant shelters suffer harassment as Mexico toughens enforcement

A Franciscan-run migrant shelter along the Mexican-Guatemala border has endured a steady stream of harassment from politicians, police officers, immigration officials and even organized crime.
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Baltimore Archdiocese, Catholic Charities offer reassurance to immigrants 

Archbishop Lori and Catholic Charities showed their support for the immigrant community at a Highlandtown parish June 23.
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Conferencia de parejas hispanas en Laurel busca fortalecer el matrimonio

Organizado por las Arquidiócesis de Baltimore y Washington, el evento atrajo a unos 400 católicos hispanos interesados en profundizar su formación en el plan de Dios sobre el matrimonio y la familia para ponerlo en práctica en casa, y para muchos de ellos, también en sus ministerios.
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Hispanic couples conference in Laurel seeks to strengthen marriage

Organized by the Archdioceses of Baltimore and Washington, the sold-out event attracted about 400 Hispanic Catholics interested in furthering their formation on God’s plan on marriage and family and put it into practice at home – and for many of them, also in their ministries.
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Bishops urged to do more for immigrants, spiritually and otherwise

Catholic bishops urged their fellow prelates to do more to support the suffering of immigrant families, to be with them spiritually as pastors and to voice support for legal measures to help them.
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En un asunto familiar con acento Hispano, la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore ordena 14 diáconos permanentes

No es ninguna exageración imaginar que la patrona de la Catedral de Nuestra Reina María en Homeland, apreció la escena.
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Mensaje del Arzobispo Lori

Que Cristo Jesús, nuestro Redentor, nos llene a todos con su fuerza, su amor infinito y su espíritu de renovación.
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Con su ministerio en Laurel Park, sacerdote quiere oler no a ovejas, pero a ‘caballos’

"El Papa dice que tengamos olor a oveja, pero yo quiero tener olor a caballo", dijo el padre Mateus-Ariza con una sonrisa, refiriéndose al llamado del papa Francisco a los sacerdotes a evangelizar caminando entre su rebaño. "Una de las razones por las que me gusta el papa es exactamente por eso, porque se trata...
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Ministering at Laurel Park, priest wants to smell not like sheep, but a ‘horse’

Father Mateus-Ariza, pastor of Resurrection of Our Lord in Laurel, has a parish community that is small, vibrant and culturally diverse. He utilizes every opportunity to bring people to his parish, and when someone at the racetrack invited him to visit the workers, the priest immediately grabbed the opportunity.
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Archdiocese of Baltimore celebrates Our Lady of Guadalupe

“She shouldn’t just be (important) for our church, but for all the churches because she appeared in the Americas,” said Father Lewandowski. “What she represents as far as evangelization and a call to follow Christ is important to all people.”
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Baltimore parish celebrates 150th anniversary of precious icon’s arrival

“This icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help came to accompany her sons and daughters – all of us migrants here, all of us new to this country,” the superior general said.
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