Venerable Fulton Sheen once said of worry: “Nothing is more destined to create deep-seated anxieties in people than the false assumption that life should be free from anxieties."Read More
If I had to point to one thing that stunted my motivation to evangelize, to go beyond highlighting cultural contributions of blacks to Catholicism to confidently asking others to become Catholic too, I'd have to admit it was racism.Read More
A good comedian helps an audience to recognize common absurdities, inconsistencies and hypocrisies in any given cultural moment. Their real genius is helping audiences to recognize the ones in which they also take part.Read More
People often wonder what the secret is to a successful marriage. Based on the Rowe’s relationship, the answer is love, understanding, faith, compassion, and selflessness. They don’t sound like such a secret at all.Read More
Rather than "Thou shalt not" as its battle cry, the church can offer a genuinely positive vision of "the joy of love," a holistic understanding of sex and intimacy for a society increasingly despairing about both.Read More
Perhaps we need a new, albeit very different, St. Nicholas. Someone who recognizes our poverty, a poverty of attention and time, and can fill our homes and hearts with something far more valuable than more screens and chocolate coins.Read More
What many Americans may still not realize is that Ireland is embracing the culture of death with a zeal and gusto that few other countries -- even traditionally secularized ones -- would be so foolish as to imitate.Read More