There’s a phrase in Juvenal’s "Satires" that might be translated as "Who will guard the guardians?" That’s the right question to ask for both police racism and clergy abuse.Read More
Grief is absolutely essential to being human, to being fully alive. When we cannot experience, own and befriend our grief, we cannot sustain our hearts.Read More
The Church, in the powerful peace and peaceful power of the Spirit, will get her public witness back when she finds her way again like the first disciples to breathe deep and speak fire.Read More
Every step, every milestone, no matter how small, is such a joy because I know what it took for my son to get there. Every smile and every hug are a gift, and I’m keenly aware of this since it did not come naturally at first.Read More
Let this five years’ marking of Laudato Si and 50 years’ celebration of Earth Day impel our desires to know and accept our sacred place like never before.Read More
It is irresponsible to assert that we know enough about the virus to encourage, in good conscience, the sorts of decisions that could very well end up becoming matters of life and death.Read More