From the Archbishop

Archbishop Lori’s Homily – Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Instead of insisting, however prayerfully, on her own plans and prerogatives, Elizabeth Ann Seton allowed the Lord in his incarnate humanity to gaze at her, to look into the depths of her soul, to “see” her as only God can see her and to love her as only God can love her.
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Archbishop Lori’s remarks at Bishop Curlin’s funeral Mass

When Bishop Curlin smiled at you, it was Jesus smiling, and when he embraced you, it was the embrace of Jesus.
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Archbishop Lori’s Invocation – Mayor Pugh’s Prayer Vigil

In your wisdom, grant us the understanding we need to take the steps necessary to bring about the transformation of our city so that it will be a place where every life is cherished, where families are sustained in love, and where young people have the opportunity to develop the talents and gifts with which...
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Archbishop Lori’s Remarks: Conversations in Leadership

All of you have been chosen because we see in you talent and leadership qualities. I am impressed by what I know of your abilities to build relationships, your abilities to lead, your abilities to educate effectively, to employ technology, to employ 21st century learning techniques,  your passion for Catholic education, your commitment to the...
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Archbishop Lori’s 2017 Christmas Homily

Let this be our gift to the Lord, to those around us, and to ourselves – that this Christmas, when we peer into the stable and behold the Christ-Child, we resolve in God’ grace to deepen our connection to our Savior in his Church, and if that relationship is cold or distant, to draw near...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Monday, Third Week of Advent; Seminarians’ Christmas Gathering

As we prepare to celebrate the feast of Christmas, in only one week, let us use these final days to prepare our hearts so that, amid all our concerns, we will receive the Lord as did Mary and Joseph and find in his saving will the peace the world cannot give.
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Peace on earth

The Word of God and great spiritual writers constantly teach us that when our lives are in order, the peace of Jesus reigns in us and we become sources of true peace in a divided world.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Gaudete Sunday 2017

The more space we clear in our hearts for the presence of God, the more we empty our hearts of sins and the attachments of sin, the more we too will be able to bear witness to the coming of the Lord in our midst; the more our lives will have that critical difference that...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 2nd Sunday of Advent

It is true – John proclaimed the coming of Christ in an actual desert but today you and I are challenged to hear his words in another kind of desert – in the desert of a City made desolate by poverty, violence, drugs, guns, and gangs, a City made desolate by the very real sin...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 2nd Sunday of Advent; Our Lady of Guadalupe

Adviento es un tiempo de esperanza. Es un tiempo de preparación para la venida del Señor, ya sea al final de los tiempos y en el tiempo de la Navidad. Por lo tanto, siempre queremos estar alerta y atentos.
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Archbishop Lori’s Remarks: Catholic Charities Breakfast

Yes, goodness is on the rise, right here in Baltimore. Unfortunately that is a well-kept secret. I suppose that gloom and doom sells and thus we are living in an era of negative narratives – internationally, nationally, and locally.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception; Vigil Mass

To tell you the truth, I’m less than pleased when daylight savings time ends for the simple reason that it gets dark so quickly in the evening. But tonight the darkness outside serves a purpose for it is as a point of departure for reflecting on today’s feast, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
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