You (the members of the National Diocesan Attorneys Association) help the Church to engage with integrity in its mission of service to the poor, in short, to engage in “a charity that evangelizes”— and to participate with full freedom in public square.Read More
To the Church as a whole, the Lord says, “Without me you can do nothing!” But united to Christ, the Church bears much good fruit, namely, the works of love!Read More
We’ve gathered as a family of faith to celebrate in this Eucharistic Liturgy the Golden Jubilee of the Religious Consecration of Sr. Lawrence Mary of Jesus, better known to us all as “Sister Lawrence”.Read More
It’s not that most Catholics reject outright the call to spread the Gospel; it’s more that they decline to participate in it, often because they themselves have never been evangelized and adequately catechized.Read More
Just as the Apostles struggled to make this message their own and finally, in the power of the Holy Spirit, truly opened their hearts to Jesus, so too in prayer we need to invite the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts, to open them ever more widely to the message of salvation in Jesus.Read More
The beautiful and joyous season of Easter is filled with message of salvation. Again and again the Church proclaims the good news that Christ died for our sins and rose for our salvation.Read More
History reflects humanity, as you know better than I, and as followers of Christ and members of his Body, the Church, we are aware our humanity stands in need of redemption.Read More
We all know why we are here tonight: to remember that tragic day 50 years ago when we lost one of the great leaders our nation has ever produced: Dr. Martin Luther King. And though we come together on this anniversary of his death, it is his life and his legacy that we come together...Read More
On this Divine Mercy Sunday let us ask St. John Paul II and St. Faustina Kowalska to intercede for us that we may daily seek the mercies of the Lord and thus live as joyful disciples always spreading the Gospel by word and example.Read More
The true significance of our profession of faith is that we surrender our lives to the only One who can break the grip which Satan and the world have on our hearts, so as to open them to that love which brings us a peace and joy the world cannot give.Read More
This is how the light of Christ, first kindled at the dawn of creation, the light which led the Israelites through the dark night of history, the light which emerged in all its glory in the mystery of the Resurrection – this is how the light of Christ shines in our hearts, in our homes,...Read More
To deal with the problem of human suffering we must confront the Cross. Over the centuries, however, attempts have been made to sanitize the Cross, that is to say, to remove from the Lord’s Passion its bitterness and pain.Read More