But we learn from Father McGivney and from Monsignor Art that the greatest thing we can have in our lives is true intimacy with Jesus, eucharistic intimacy with Jesus, a true spiritual closeness in which our souls are not only nourished, but in which they become capable of loving God and others even more than...Read More
The presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is also the glue that holds the Church together. That includes the parish, the archdiocese and the Church universal.Read More
None of us is there yet but all of us count on those in consecrated life to lead the way, to unveil for us now what we shall later become, if only we cling to the hope that is ours in Christ Jesus.Read More
If we really believe that the Lord loves us more than anyone else, if we really trust in the Lord’s love for us and believe in his love with all our hearts, then we will be ready to do whatever he might ask of us.Read More
"(W)hen we use our network of our personal influence not for ourselves but for the Lord and for that which is true and good, we will always draw many, more than we know, to open their hearts to Christ.Read More
Today you are pledging your readiness and your resolve to unite with me and them in accomplishing the mission that the Lord has given to this local Church, spreading the Gospel far and wide, making disciples in the power of the Holy Spirit, recognizing and utilizing the gifts that the Spirit distributes among the people...Read More
We must foster and defend the right of the believers not only to worship in freedom, but also to bear witness to the truth in the public square and to serve the common good through an array of church ministries.Read More
At one point or another in the life of most every person, there comes a moment of existential crisis – a moment when the meaning and direction of one’s very existence is no longer clear.Read More
Daily we pray for the coming of God’s Kingdom: Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done. In the Our Father, we ask for the grace to listen to Jesus, to accept his teaching, to welcome him into the center of our lives, to let his love reign in our hearts.Read More
When Satan gains some foothold in our hearts, when there are sectors of our lives still in the thrall of Satan, Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit, seeks to stage an invasion into Satan’s domain, so as to overpower him and to plunder what Satan had come to regard as his own.Read More
I recount this beautiful experience that God in his mercy allowed me to have because it goes to the heart of the mystery of love the Church is celebrating in these days... and because that mystery of love is of such great importance to us as the family of the Knights of Columbus.Read More