In the end, what give us such invincible hope? They placed the lifeless body of the Savior in a darkened tomb. Even there the light shone in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it. Such a light will cast its saving light even in the most desperate situations created by fallibility, stupidity, and...Read More
And if the flame of faith burns brightly in our hearts, then we shall not fear the Lord’s coming but rather watch for it. And we shall not only love the Lord but also long for him. And we shall not only obey the Lord but indeed seek to become like him – the One...Read More
Confirmation puts you in touch permanently with the Holy Spirit – who deepens your relationship with Christ and his Church, who daily helps you develop the virtues, teamwork, and generosity necessary to fight the good fight, to run the race, and to finish the course brilliantly.Read More
We gather like this every year and it is good to do so, but this, my friends, is no ordinary time.The abuse crisis is a pervasive and unhappy fact in the life of the Church, a calamity that affects your outlook and attitudes, no matter what division you work in, no matter what ministry you...Read More
Each and every day there is abundant evidence of the lively and active faith that sustains us and enables us to see a path through this crisis, asserting Christ’s Gospel of unconditional love, forgiveness, healing and constant care for those most vulnerable in our midstRead More
Whether you’re in the 1st quarter of life or the 4th or somewhere in-between, stay close to the Lord who loves you in the Holy Spirit who enables you to be an active and loving member of his Church.Read More
We cannot allow the shame of the devastating failings we now confront to cause us to pause or in any way delay the essential work of the church — sharing God’s love, forgiveness and healing as we work also to promote common understanding, acceptance and mutual respect in a troubled world.Read More
While he lived on this earth, [St. Martin de Porres] followed the admonition of Jesus in today’s Gospel. In the banquet of life he took the lowest seat at the table. Overjoyed to be at the banquet, he chose to sit with the poor, the sick, and the vulnerable. And, at that end of the table,...Read More
In these days we are reading a portion of St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that exhorts us to conduct ourselves as authentic followers of Christ. At first glance, though, the rules he sets down seem strict, almost as if they are designed to take the joy out of life.Read More
An anniversary year rightly celebrates past accomplishments but it must also be a point of departure for a future full of hope. And in this moment we rightly find ourselves once again engaging in pastoral planning, focusing on the mission of evangelization, and looking at the mission priorities that will continue to make St. Isaac Jogues...Read More
If only we are willing, with the help of Mary’s prayers, to engage in the struggle against temptation and against sin in our Church and in our world – if only we cling to Mary, then those places in our hearts and in our culture, thought of as God-forsaken, will bloom with that newness of...Read More
If we want to have civility in society, then let us beware of reducing everything to partisan politics. For the places where civility is fostered are in fact pre-political institutions, like the home, the family, the school, church, sports, and other free associations.Read More