Many physicians and other healthcare professionals testified against this bill. Those who are permanently disabled have testified against it as well as those who provide services for the disabled.Read More
Before you and I get on our high horse and go after others, Jesus warns us, that we had better stop and first examine our own lives – not only our outward actions but also what lies in the depths of our hearts.Read More
As a presbyterate you and I are at a crossroads. Let us decide here and now to travel together the route of transformation in Christ. It is one thing to travel this road as individual priests, each in our own way, but indeed a very powerful thing when we decide to do so together.Read More
When we stand at the altar day by day to offer this sacrifice we have no doubt that, in and of itself, our offering is acceptable to the Father for we offer anew Jesus’ gift of self to his Father and to us.Read More
The Sacraments don’t merely produce the generic presence of Jesus; rather, it is Jesus who comes to us personally, aware of all we are undergoing.Read More
Even when it seems futile, even in times of crisis, disbelief, and persecution, the Church must obey the Lord’s command to put out into the deep, that is to say, to preach the Gospel, to seek souls for Christ.Read More
Over time, I have come to see how easily discussions of religious freedom can start off on the wrong foot. We often wade into controversies over specific threats to religious freedom without sufficiently reflecting on what freedom itself is and on how the exercise of our freedoms are to engage and influence the culture in...Read More
Presuming there is good soil in our hearts and that we are tending it, the seed of faith planted there in Baptism grows slowly, according to the design of God’s grace and mercy, and sometimes, without our realizing it.Read More
Could there be anything more engaging than the drama that unfolds before our eyes of faith on this, the feast of the Lord’s Presentation in the Temple? This scene was not created by a playwright or a producer but rather by the One “for whom and through whom all things were made.”Read More
Presuming there is good soil in our hearts and that we are tending it, the seed of faith planted there in Baptism grows slowly, according to the design of God’s grace and mercy, and sometimes, without our realizing it.Read More
Believe it or not, dear friends, you and I are also called to be “a walking sermon”. Or, as the Second Vatican Council put it, we are to be “traveling messengers of Christ.” Now, the Council’s words, “travelling messengers of Christ”, were not directed only to members of the clergy, or to our heroic missionaries...Read More