What enabled the Apostles to break through the futility of fishing and not catching? How did they shed their confusion and timidity so as to become the bold witnesses to the Gospel that we see in today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles? There are two conditions for this that applied to them and...Read More
Good evening, and thank you all for being here tonight for this very important event. Bishop Fabre and Bishop Ricard, on behalf of everyone in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, I want to extend my warm gratitude for your presence this evening.Read More
If, on this Mercy Sunday you find that the doors of your hearts are barred, ask the Risen Lord to come into your hearts regardless and there impart to you the peace the world cannot give. Read More
As Archbishop of Baltimore and Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus I am very happy to join you this evening to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Council № 1965 here at Mount Saint Mary’s University, the oldest college council in continuous operation in the entire Order.Read More
If a man like Peter, fallible and impulsive, could experience a resurrection of the heart, so too you and I can also experience a resurrection of the heart.Read More
This night we see the light of Christ reflected in the joy of those who are to be baptized, received into the Church, and confirmed; we see it as they join us at the Eucharistic Table for the first time, to receive with us the Body and Blood of Jesus, Crucified and Risen.Read More
Good Friday is a day of great honesty, a moment in which presumption may not stand. This is that moment to entrust ourselves and the whole of our lives to the One who loved us to the very end. Read More
Let us celebrate this Eucharist in company with Christ and his apostles with deep joy and then let us accompany the Lord to the Garden to watch and pray in his Presence.Read More
Jesus’ preaching was true, good, and beautiful because it was not his own. Rather, it sprang from the heart of the Father of Mercies who sent his only Son into the world and commissioned him to proclaim the Gospel.Read More
The Holy Spirit has come upon you as well in Baptism and Confirmation and has endowed you not only with natural talents so needed by Church’s life, but also by many spiritual gifts of discernment, prophecy, and healing, gifts so necessary in these days and in fact, necessary for the Church’s mission at all times.Read More
To remind ourselves of Jesus’ true origins, his authoritative claim upon our lives, and the price of our redemption – to do all of this is simply to acknowledge the dimensions of what it means truly to open our hearts to Christ.Read More
There’s an awful lot of things to pray for these days in the life of the Church but as we celebrate today’s liturgy in the presence of St. John Vianney’s priestly heart, let us pray deeply for people like me, namely, bishops and priests.Read More