Both the Book of Deuteronomy and Jesus himself in Mark’s Gospel instruct us that the first and greatest commandment is to love God with all one’s heart, and Jesus adds, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” – that is to say, from the very depth of your heart.Read More
But we should also take great comfort the existence of purgatory – that state of being further purified even after death, that is to say, made ready for heaven, where we are to receive and reflect the infinitely pure and beautiful love of the Triune God with which all the saints are resplendent.Read More
This year, I’ve had the opportunity to experience firsthand the spirit and work of the Order in Canada, the Philippines, and Ukraine. I’ve also been able to look at the spirit and mission of the Order through the lens of the month-long Synod on Synodality in Rome. This morning, I won’t offer you a travel-log...Read More
Just as Fr. McGivney encourages priests to holiness and charity, so too the amazing array of saints, canonized and uncanonized, encourage all of us to embrace our baptismal call to holiness, to missionary discipleship and to a life of charity – all summed up by Blessed Michael McGivney in a few words: charity, unity and...Read More
Today we commemorate a pivotal moment in history: the 160th anniversary of Maryland Emancipation Day, which marks the day the Maryland Constitution of 1864 went into effect and officially abolished slavery within the state. This day, when all those still held in bondage were finally set free, is a profound reminder of the dignity of...Read More
So, when the Lord asks us, “What do you want me to do for you?” we can do no better than to answer as did Bartimaeus: “I want to see!” . . . I want to see you, Lord, with the eyes of faith!Read More
For a century, the Church has asked the faithful to consider the human experience of migrants and refugees through the light of Christ’s teachings. In this National Migration Week, I offer my personal invitation to you to reflect on the strong contributions of immigrants to our shared communities. Let us see their efforts in the...Read More
Durante un siglo, la Iglesia ha pedido a los fieles que consideren la experiencia humana de los migrantes y refugiados a la luz de las enseñanzas de Cristo. En esta Semana Nacional de la Migración, los invito personalmente a reflexionar sobre las importantes contribuciones de los inmigrantes a nuestras comunidades compartidas.Read More
The reason we have this school – Archbishop Borders – is to help you preserve your Hispanic heritage, grow in your faith, and develop your potential. We are counting on you to be leaders in the Church and in society and in that way to honor the heritage that is yours.Read More
The countdown to the election in the United States is on, and with it comes important decisions for us as believers and citizens. To assist in reaching those decisions, I wish to share a teaching document from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on political responsibility, “Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility.”Read More
When we vote against Question 1, we do so not to limit anyone’s rights but to foster a society of solidarity and respect for life, one where women are honored, the gift of life is cherished and the needs of mother and child are met. Read More
I have no doubt that Blessed Stanley is exerting an influence on your formation: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral – and what a good thing that is! It is my prayer that you’ll tap into the example and intercession of this priest, who not too long ago, walked the halls in which you walk, sat...Read More