But in calling us to rejoice St. Paul doesn’t imagine that we live in a trouble-free world. No, the joy to which he calls us is deeper, more beautiful, and more enduring than the momentary joy of pleasure or success or even the avoidance of suffering.Read More
Queridos hermanos y hermanas de la comunidad de Cristo Rey y feligreses de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore, Es un privilegio para mi poder acompañarles hoy en esta celebración a la morenita, la dulce Virgen de Guadalupe, esa madre que nos acoge siempre en su Santo manto, en su tilma.Read More
Father Michael was a dedicated and hard-working priest with a good heart. Perhaps more than any of us really knew, he gave of himself to this parish family wholeheartedly.Read More
In these days when we feel buffeted by challenges on every side, in these days when many say that the bottom is dropping out of the Church, our heart should rejoice and our spine should be stiffened as in this place we hear anew the solemn promise of Jesus that the forces of sin and...Read More
As you know, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World was one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council. Although it was issued more than fifty years ago, it continues to be studied and quoted, not only by scholars and historians, but also by Catholic journalists, homilists, and now, by...Read More
This evening we remember our brother priests who died in the year just ending, even as we remember in love all our brother priests who have gone home to the Lord in the long, two-hundred and thirty year history of our local Church.Read More
Once again, let me say how happy I am to return to St. Mark Parish and to celebrate with you the installation of Father Foppiano as your pastor. He brings to his service among you a priestly heart and a proven track record of generous and effective pastoral service.Read More
I can't think of a better saint to celebrate with students of the liberal arts and philosophy than Saint Albert the Great. Nor could a daily lectionary reading be more appropriate than today’s selection from the Book of Wisdom. Read More
Every year, when we gather for this Red Mass, we honor an outstanding member of the legal profession, someone who has earned the esteem of colleagues and the wider community, and tonight is no exception...Read More
In this is the most important work of any pastor or priest: to gather in God’s people, to share with them the Lord’s redeeming love, to offer them a place at the Lord’s Eucharistic Table, and to implant in the heart of each one the joy of a Zacchaeus who rejoiced to encounter the Lord,...Read More