So my prayer for my earthly Father is that he would enter into the rest of the heavenly Father, where freed from the pangs of sin and death, with every tear wiped away, surrounded by the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the angels and saints, he would rejoice for ever to see the Thrice Holy...Read More
If, amid sickness, we discern the direction of our lives, and lucidly examine the quality of our interior life, rekindle hope of everlasting life and learn anew the lesson of compassion – then our illness will not be wasted but become a great grace for ourselves and others.Read More
Scripture challenges us to ask ourselves what do we need to be like to be ready for heaven, to love as Christ did, to love like the great saints, and even the angels.Read More
As I look at Paul on the ground, his eyes overwhelmed by the light, I see more clearly with the passage of years, what ongoing conversion means.Read More
May I suggest that here at St. Sebastian we seek for the courage we need to be the Lord’s witnesses amid the opposition of the world around us, including, as Pope Francis puts it, the world’s “polite persecutions” and the bloody persecutions of Christians in many parts of the world. Read More
Mary, help of Christians, teaches us both trust and fortitude. As Mary arrived at the house of her cousin Elizabeth, her cousin said of her, “Blessed is she who trusted that the Lord’s words to her would be fulfilled.”Read More
We take part in Mass, the Paschal Sacrifice of the Incarnate Son of God, under the gaze of the Blessed Virgin Mary, “Salus Populi Romani”. To return her gaze is not to avert our eyes from Christ but rather to contemplate our spiritual Mother who, in the power of the Holy Spirit, brings forth Christ...Read More
Throughout this day we will be focusing on communications, especially on how to communicate well and wisely in times like these when something of a cloud hangs over the Church, when mistrust seems to be the order of the day, and especially when there is really bad news to share with our people and with...Read More
What is especially beautiful about the Scriptures is that God is speaking through our human language, through our many cultures – so that he might reach us now – as a Church and as individual members of the Church. Read More
No one is a mere statistic. No one is a mere condition. Every human life has worth and beauty in God’s eyes, and if that is so, every human life must have worth and beauty in our eyes. Read More
When the Lord calls, he also gives us the grace to answer the call. And even when the Lord asks things of us that seem to be above and beyond, rest assured that the Lord will unfold his plan for your life a step at a time, as I have discovered to my astonishment and...Read More
I firmly believe that the quiet faith that inspires so many large and small good works in our City has been – and will be – the ultimate saving grace that brings us forward. May each of us keep alive that Faith in Baltimore throughout 2020, and for many generations to come. Read More