This is how Jesus cleanses our inner and outer temple, overturning whatever blocks or obscures the holiness of God in us while expanding our hearts to reflect his holiness more and more completely by loving our neighbors, including our enemies, and especially those in need.Read More
What the Apostles witnessed atop Mount Tabor was the glory of Jesus’ divinity. Beneath his humanity, beneath Jesus’ ordinary human appearance was his identity and his glory as God’s eternal and only-begotten Son.Read More
Most of us discover our vocations gradually, over time, with multiple influences. All of us have opportunities for discernment, such as this retreat, and for the formation of every dimension of lives, which is what happens at seminary.Read More
The Apostles were overwhelmed and mystified by the glory of Jesus, and so too our hearts should be, as the Book of Revelation says, “all lost in wonder”.Read More
This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. What better time for us to approach Jesus, with humility and love, to seek his healing touch, especially by worthily sharing in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?Read More
At a time when authority in just about every sector of life is under scrutiny, let us ask the Holy Spirit to inspire and strength us to follow Jesus in his obedience of the Father and in his authority over the forces of evil.Read More
Eucharistic Adoration, followed by the celebration of Holy Mass, is like a school that forms and equips us to place our humanity at the service of the least of these, the tiniest of human beings and the most vulnerable of all. Gazing upon the Lord in his Eucharistic smallness, our minds and hearts are prepared to exercise a preferential...Read More
And so, it is a courageous and beautiful exercise of our freedom of expression to proclaim to those in power and to our fellow citizens that life itself is beautiful, and that, therefore, as a nation, we need to repent of the destruction of the unborn.Read More
As we listen to the voice of Christ and sense his presence in the Scriptures, we too can experience the power of God’s Word that propelled Jonah to preach and we too can be convinced to repent as did the residents of Nineveh.Read More