This morning, I’ve been asked to offer reflections on the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, held in Rome from September 28th until October 27th of this year. I served as an elected member of the United States delegation to the Synod.Read More
Advent, as we know, marks the beginning of a new liturgical year, and I could not think of a better way to begin this Year of Grace than by paying you a long overdue visit, and on this occasion, to install officially your pastor.Read More
Indeed, as December ushes in the winter weather, the darkness and the long nights – Advent ushers in the light of God’s love. And in the darkness, God’s love shines all the more brightly through the grace of the Holy Spirit.Read More
De hecho, cuando diciembre da paso al clima invernal, la oscuridad y las largas noches, el Adviento marca el comienzo de la luz del amor de Dios. Y en la oscuridad, el amor de Dios brilla aún más intensamente por la gracia del Espíritu Santo.Read More
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. It is an opportunity for us to give thanks to the Lord for the blessings he has showered upon our land and for the blessings we have experienced in our families and in our network of relationships. It is an opportunity to express our appreciation for those with whom we...Read More
The Feast of Christ the King invites us, not so much to scrutinize our leaders as to look carefully into our own hearts and ask to what kingdom have we given our allegiance: The kingdom of this world in its many forms or the kingdom of God? Today Jesus says to us anew: “Everyone who...Read More
Just as loving families keep alive the memory of those who have died, let us continue to cherish the memory of these our deceased brothers – remembering gratefully what the Lord enabled them to accomplish, remembering that we build on what they have left us, thanking God for their lives and their priesthood.Read More
For now we pray that we, all of us, may shine with that same splendor as we bear witness to the beauty, goodness, and dignity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death, and by our love of mother and child and our love of the sick and frail elderly, win many...Read More
What a joy it is to gather with you on this holy and happy day when Sr. Amanda professes the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, obedience, and hospitality especially for the poor and elderly. It is a joy for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the Spirit of the Lord...Read More
What we hide from ourselves in darkness, the Lord Jesus brings to light, not to shame us or to make us feel bad but to renew, repair, and rebuild us, so that the glory shining on his face might shine from deep within us.Read More
In the graces of Holy Orders, we were urged configure ourselves to the Christ who came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life in love.Read More
Perhaps the greatest proof of the Church’s divine origins is the mere fact that, like St. John Lateran, the Church has survived, not as an artifact of history but as the living, breathing Body of Christ of which you and I are the members.Read More