In this year when my classmates and I celebrate our 45th anniversary as priests, I am delighted to come home to the Mount to offer this holy Mass.Read More
Dear Friends in Christ, Today, I am blessed to share with you important news that we are taking our first steps to reimagine Catholic life in Baltimore City and some nearby suburbs. I invite you to join me in this shared effort — an undertaking we’re calling Seek the City to Come (HEB 13:14)— that...Read More
Queridos amigos en Cristo, Hoy, tengo la bendición de compartir con ustedes la importante noticia de que estamos dando nuestros primeros pasos para re imaginar la vida católica en la ciudad de Baltimore y algunos suburbios cercanos. Los invito a unirse a mí en este esfuerzo compartido, una iniciativa que llamamos Busquemos la Ciudad Por...Read More
It is a pleasure to welcome all of you to this historic church, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (a catchy title to be sure), or as it is more commonly called, “The Baltimore Basilica” or “America’s First Cathedral.” Allow me a word about this unique place...Read More
We will miss our good and faithful priest. He made an indelible imprint on our lives. Father Henry, we thank you with all our hearts. May you rest in the peace of Christ.Read More
As we commemorate these great saints, let us unite as a community of faith in asking for the grace to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who indeed gives light to our eyes.Read More
As we commemorate these great saints, let us unite as a community of faith in asking for the grace to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who indeed gives light to our eyes.Read More
“Getting there” is a life-long process but now with fixed points along the way: lector, acolyte, and God willing, diaconal ordination – and your ongoing formation as deacons, a formation that ceases only when you enter into heavenly glory.Read More
On this anniversary of Inspiration Day, let us ask St. Teresa of Calcutta to smile upon us, to deepen our life of prayer, to confirm our resolution to serve Jesus in the poorest of the poor, and to practice a charity that bears witness to the Gospel and unifies the Church.Read More