Our investiture weekend takes place against the backdrop of the heartbreaking violence and terrorism in the Holy Land. We mourn for those who lost their lives and for those held hostage, and with Pope Francis and the Latin Patriarch, Cardinal Pizzaballa, we have observed a day of prayer for peace in the Middle East.Read More
Anniversaries are important to married couples, to priests and religious, to dioceses, and indeed to parish families like St. Ann’s, and I am delighted to take part in your 150th anniversary.Read More
Gathered in convocation, as we renew the promises made on ordination day, let us take heart from faith of those who have gone before us, let us find our joy in the Person of Christ whose heralds we are, and then let us engage those around us with gentle but persistent persuasion, not so much...Read More
In this Cathedral Basilica of Notre Dame de Quebec, let us seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose shared like no other in the Passion and Death of Christ, and so reflects the light of Christ more brightly than anyone.Read More
Let us pray God’s comfort and healing reaches all who experienced injury and terror in Tuesday’s shooting on the historic Morgan State University campus.Read More
May she who gave birth to the Savior and followed him unreservedly, lead you each day to the Heart of her Son, the abyss of love, from which your vocations and your ministry take their origin, meaning, and goal. Mary, Our Queen: pray for us!Read More
The Church’s efforts to eradicate the scourge of child sexual abuse from our parishes, schools and ministries and to provide care and compensation to those harmed did not begin with today’s Chapter 11 reorganization, and our efforts most certainly will not end here.Read More