
First synod talks look at climate, priests, inculturation, Vatican says

Climate change, water resources, inculturation and indigenous practices were among the topics discussed during the first afternoon session of the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon.
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Fear, status quo smother fire of God’s love, pope says at synod Mass

The Catholic Church's mission in the world is to spread the fire of God's love and must not be limited to the "'ordinary maintenance' of those who already know the Gospel," Pope Francis said.
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On feast of St. Francis, pope joins Amazonians to plant tree at Vatican

Pope Francis joined Amazonian church workers and indigenous people Oct. 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, to plant a tree in the Vatican Gardens.
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Our Lady of Mount Carmel School modernizes campus

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School took a major leap into 21st century over the summer, in the process heeding the call of Pope Francis to become better stewards of the environment.
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Commitment to fighting climate change still weak, pope says

The international community must ramp up its efforts if it expects to mitigate the negative effects of climate change, Pope Francis said.
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Pope calls for global alliance to better educate young people

Pope Francis said the challenges facing humanity and the Earth are so urgent and important that he has invited world leaders, educators and young people to come to the Vatican next spring to launch a global alliance for building a new, more humane future.
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Repent, convert, pray, give up fossil fuels, pope says

"Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, toward forms of clean energy," Pope Francis said as he marked the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
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Pope, bishops urge action to save burning Amazon rainforest

Describing the Amazon rainforest as "vital for our planet," Pope Francis joined the regions bishops in praying for action to extinguish the massive fires burning there.
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In new interview, pope explains aim of synod, warns against nationalism

The upcoming Synod of Bishops on the Amazon is an "urgent" gathering, not of scientists and politicians, but for the church whose main focus in discussions will be evangelization, Pope Francis said in a new interview.
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Praising God for gift of creation leads to respect for it, pope says

The pope said the current situation in the South American rainforest “is a sad paradigm of what is happening in many parts of the planet.”
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To protect Earth, change lifestyles, say church, indigenous leaders

Participants at the Washington gathering looked at some of the data showing what can happen if places such as the Amazon keep experiencing deforestation at the current rate.
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Names & Numbers: Schools embrace environment; ‘Men in Black’ winners on basketball court

The latest installment of Names and Numbers features schools embracing to the environment, honors for a Baltimore hospital leader, musicians from a local high school and more.
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