
Vatican listens to ‘cry of poor, cry of the Earth’ during pandemic

Pope Francis' vision of "integral human development" and "integral ecology" involves identifying the connections between the condition of human beings and the condition of the environment, said Cardinal Peter Turkson.
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New emergency aid bill aims to cut most benefits to Catholic schools

Catholic leaders expressed deep reservations about a new $3 trillion tax cut and spending bill in response to the economic fallout caused by the coronavirus pandemic that would restrict support for Catholic school students.
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Fauci to Jesuit high school graduates: ‘We will get through this’

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is used to addressing the country about steps to contain the coronavirus, but in mid-May he spoke directly to graduates of the nation's 60 Jesuit high schools with words of encouragement and congratulations.
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CRS unveils hunger awareness campaign as pandemic hinders access to food

As tens of millions more people are at risk of acute hunger because of the global coronavirus pandemic, Catholic Relief Services is embarking on a campaign to raise awareness, advocate and raise funds to head off the brewing crisis.
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Baltimore Archdiocese announces start dates for Phases I and II of reopening

The Archdiocese of Baltimore announced it will start Phase I of its reopening plan May 15 at 5 p.m., allowing churches to be open for private prayer and adoration. Parishes may offer the sacrament of reconciliation and funeral and wedding Masses may be held with a limit of 10 attendees.
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First Communions on hold, but preparation continues, online

First Communion season should be in full swing, but social distancing has closed churches and put parish celebrations on hold.
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Archbishop Lori looks forward to reopening churches safely

The Archdiocese of Baltimore released May 12 comprehensive guidelines for Phase I of reopening parishes, along with a video informing parishioners about “What to Expect When You Return to Mass.”
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Day of Prayer for an end to the pandemic is May 14

Pope Francis called on all people of good will to join together for a world day of prayer, fasting and works of charity to bring an end to the coronavirus pandemic.
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Pope to nurses, midwives: ‘Thank you for your service to humanity’

The coronavirus pandemic has drawn well-deserved attention to nurses and midwives, who are among "the saints next door," dedicated to helping people in some of the most joyful or painful moments of their lives, Pope Francis said.
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German bishops reject COVID-19 ‘conspiracy theories’ by prominent clergy

Catholic bishops have distanced themselves from a letter in which several prominent Catholic clergy warned there were attempts to use the COVID-19 pandemic to create a "world government beyond all control."
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Like everyone else, religious lean on tech in time of COVID-19

Until churches and schools reopen and people can gather again, however, technology is the next best way to connect, not just for laypeople, but those living in religious communities.
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Wake up

Now more than ever, we must deepen the relationships around us, which afford us an opportunity to encounter God anew.
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