
Faith leaders call for ‘Day of Mourning and Lament’ for victims of virus

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious said May 27 it will join a group of over 100 national faith leaders -- from Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions -- who have called for a National Day of Mourning and Lament June 1 for those who have died from COVID-19.
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Howard County withdraws restrictions that would have curtailed Eucharist

In an executive order issued May 26, the county executive of Howard County issued regulations for religious institutions that would seem to disallow the distribution of the Eucharist in Catholic churches. After the Archdiocese of Baltimore expressed “serious concerns” about the order, the county acknowledged that the restriction would be withdrawn.
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Reopening Our Parishes: A message from Archbishop Lori

I am happy to announce that some of us, at least, will be able to return to Mass for the feast of Pentecost, though only at one-third the seating capacity of our churches.
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Public Masses will begin again in Archdiocese of Baltimore, with restrictions

Some parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore will offer public Masses May 30-31, the feast of Pentecost, for the first time since mid-March, as the state of Maryland slowly reopens in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Bishop reminds seafarers they are ‘not forgotten’ even amid pandemic

The bishop, directing his prayer to the maritime workers, urged them to "know that you are not forgotten, know of our love for you each and every day."
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Pandemic has changed parish outreach methods ‘forever,’ says evangelist

During two months of social isolation, the work of American business has migrated, ready or not, into the home.
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Catholic leaders decry prisoners’ exposure to COVID-19 during pandemic

A May 19 statement by 14 Catholic leaders, including five bishops, decried the danger people in prison are exposed to during the coronavirus pandemic.
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Sporting event shows values needed in pandemic aftermath, pope says

Sports can offer a unique witness of unity that can build a "bridge of peace" between men and women of different religions and cultures and promote solidarity, Pope Francis said.
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Minnesota bishops not waiting for governor, resuming larger Masses May 26

Minnesota's bishops are moving ahead with plans to resume Masses at one-third church capacity May 26, a plan that defies current state directives limiting faith-based gatherings to 10 or fewer people.
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Death penalty opponents decry first execution carried out amid pandemic

Catholic advocates against the death penalty spoke out against Missouri's May 19 execution of a death-row inmate, Walter Barton, whose death by lethal injection was the first execution to happen during the pandemic.
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Elite high school athletes reflect on season in which coronavirus was the only winner

The coronavirus pandemic has affected American society in countless ways. Among those impacted have been high school athletes, including elite seniors.
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Parishes plan for reopening

The Archdiocese of Baltimore started Phase I of its reopening plan May 15, allowing churches to be open for private prayer and adoration. Parishes may offer the sacraments of reconciliation and baptism, and funeral and wedding Masses may be held with a limit of 10 attendees.
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