
Highlandtown pastor urges more COVID-19 testing sites in hard-hit Latino and African American communities

Bishop-designate Bruce Lewandowski, C.Ss.R., appealed to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Jr. June 10 to increase free COVID-19 testing in Baltimore to expand beyond his parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus/Sagrado Corazón de Jesús in Highlandtown.
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Pope creates fund for workers in Rome struggling in wake of pandemic

With so many people left unemployed or in a precarious position because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pope Francis launched a fund aimed specifically at helping people in Rome struggling economically in the wake of the crisis.
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Extraordinary evangelization in extraordinary times

What Father Sherbrooke has done at St. Patrick’s in London in his 17 years as its pastor is little short of miraculous.
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Invisible powers

Over the centuries, we humans have survived plagues and famines and natural disasters. I don’t pretend to know why God allows them, but I do know that as a human race we survive them.
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Mercy Medical Center completes new hospital floor ahead of schedule

Mercy Medical Center announced June 5 the completion of a newly constructed unit on the 17th floor of the Mary Catherine Bunting Center main hospital in downtown Baltimore.
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Remembering Father Hull

Father Hull was an immense storehouse of knowledge and sharp as a tack even as he pushed 100.
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A thank-you to our priests

I have an immense sense of gratitude, especially for our spiritual fathers, who helped keep the flame our faith alive during this time.
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Josephites mourn loss of priests to virus, express sorrow over Floyd death

Josephite Father Frank Martin Hull and Father Joseph John McKinley, who both had lived at the Josephite Senior Residence in Washington.
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Are our hearts ready to reopen?

You think it’s been hard for you to find disinfecting wipes for your home? Think of finding enough disinfectant for church pews that seat hundreds of people. You’ve had problems finding a small bottle of hand sanitizer? Multiply those needs by 100 or 1,000.
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Feast of Pentecost marks return of public worship in Baltimore Archdiocese

Churches in Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Harford and Washington counties opened liturgies to the public, albeit at one-third capacity, per Archdiocese of Baltimore guidelines.
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Supreme Court rejects appeals to lift restrictions on congregation size

A divided Supreme Court May 29 chose not to intervene in an emergency appeal by a church in Southern California to lift COVID-19 restrictions that limit congregation sizes.
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Ugandan ordained a Josephite priest at the West Baltimore parish he served as deacon

The 32-year-old native of Uganda was ordained a Josephite priest May 23 at St. Peter Claver in West Baltimore.
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