
Our Christian calling and social distancing

The global phenomenon of imposed isolation provides an important moment to call to mind the many people who experience "social distancing" as a daily, lived reality -- most often not of their choosing.
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Coronavirus and ‘Hollywood Squares’

The novel coronavirus that began in Wuhan, China, late last year has affected higher education like nothing I have experienced in my time as a university president.
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Pope prays family relationships thrive while stuck at home

Pope Francis prayed for families who are cooped up in their homes and for all those who are ill with COVID-19.
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Italian priests, religious women are among victims of COVID-19

A number of priests and religious women have been among the nearly 2,000 people who have died in Italy because of illness connected with COVID-19.
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Pope makes mini-pilgrimage outside Vatican to pray for end of pandemic

With Italy on lockdown and Rome streets almost deserted, Pope Francis left the Vatican March 15 in a mini-pilgrimage to an icon and to a crucifix associated with miraculous interventions to save the city and its people.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 3rd Sunday of Lent; Live-Streamed Mass (Coronavirus Crisis)

We are united in prayer this Sunday at a moment unprecedented in living memory. As the Coronavirus continues to spread, we are facing a global pandemic, a pandemic that has hit home, here in the State of Maryland.
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Archbishop Lori leads Mass in ‘extraordinary times’ for coronavirus

If all the people watching the livestream of the 11 a.m. Mass March 15 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland had been in the cathedral itself, it would have been filled to capacity.
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Masses Cancelled in Archdiocese of Baltimore

After receiving an update from State officials late today on the current impact of the COVID-19 virus and acting on the advice of medical professionals, Archbishop William E Lori has determined that to safeguard the well-being the faithful of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and to prevent further community spread of the virus, all public Masses...
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Archbishop Lori encourages prayer against coronavirus

Archbishop William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore and Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, invites all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and all members of the Knights of Columbus and their families to join him in praying this special prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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At the forefront of the U.S. response to coronavirus is a devout Baltimore Catholic

As Redfield helps lead the federal response to the growing threat of the coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, his pastor and friends say his years of work studying viruses along with his deep Catholic faith will help guide the country through the crisis.
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Archbishop Lori issues dispensation for Mass attendance

Archbishop William E. Lori announced March 13 that he has dispensed all members of the faithful of the Archdiocese of Baltimore from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass, including those parishioners who are ill, or suspect they are ill with a contagious illness, or who are concerned they may become ill by attending Mass.
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Baltimore Archdiocese schools closed March 16-27 due to coronavirus

Archbishop William E. Lori issues a statement following the March 12 press conference of Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, during which the governor addressed major steps being taken after the state confirmed its first case of community transmitted coronavirus.
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