
Amen: Daddy-daughter time

‘Woof-woofs,’ polkas and prayers offer life lessons for father of 15-month-old girl.
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Amen: On the trail with Father Beshoner

After a long hiatus, Father Beshoner recently relaunched Catholic Under the Hood with a seemingly monumental mission: telling the 2,000-year history of the Catholic Church from apostolic times to the present.
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Catholic Review Column: Art in Heaven

By now, you likely know that a much-beloved priest of this Archdiocese and rector of our Basilica in Baltimore, Monsignor Arthur Valenzano, went home to the Lord earlier this month (see page A9). I was privileged to celebrate his funeral Mass and to hear the beautiful and stirring homily given by his best friend, Monsignor...
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Catholic Review Column: After Charleston, Still Much Work to Be Done

“Racism is an evil which endures in our society and in our Church.” These words were included in the 1979 pastoral letter of the U.S. Catholic bishops, “Brothers and Sisters to Us.” Sadly, they remain relevant and true some 36 years later. In that letter, the U.S. bishops named racial prejudice as a grave sin...
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Amen: Dying doing what you love

Whenever my cousin, Bob Matysek, slogged onto a beach on Kent Island after completing the grueling 4.4-mile Great Chesapeake Bay Swim, family snapshots inevitably captured the same image.
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Babe Ruth’s diamond

One hundred years ago on St. Valentine’s Day, George Herman “Babe” Ruth Jr. began his meteoric rise in professional baseball when he signed a contract with the minor league Baltimore Orioles.
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Of haberdasheries and ‘Death Dust’

For years, a tattered and taped copy of the Aug. 30, 1902, issue of The Catholic Mirror has jockeyed for attention on my sometimes-cluttered desk at the Catholic Review.
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This Priest Appreciation Day, thank priests who change lives

Father Dale Picarella had just finished greeting a mob of parishioners at the end of Mass when I approached him in the sacristy with a special request. Would he visit my mother at Bayview Medical Center in East Baltimore as she was recovering from cancer surgery?
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Amen: Telling questions for pregnant women

My brother was in line at a local supermarket when he observed a young woman strike up a conversation with an apparent longtime friend. Showing off her slightly protruding belly, the younger woman announced that she was pregnant.
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‘I have connections in heaven’

Mercy Sister Lois Mueller was a bundle of energy when I first met her at The Villa retirement home in Baltimore three years ago. I was visiting for a story I was writing about how retired nuns kept in shape by playing bowling and other Nintendo Wii video games donated by students of St. Joseph...
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Clarity in Rome confessional

ROME – I wasn’t planning on ascending 28 marble steps on my knees, but as I watched white-haired ladies, young couples and people of all nationalities struggle to pull themselves up the ancient walkway where Jesus is believed to have tread, I felt compelled to do the same.
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Father Janaites carried burdens for others

Since the strokes in my eyes in 2002, I’ve found that tears come pretty easily. However, I needed no such excuse when I first heard that Father Stan Janaites had died on Aug. 5. I cried again as I stood at his coffin in St. Joseph’s Church in Sykesville.
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