Child & Youth Protection

Bishop Strickland says he asked pope about McCarrick report

Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of Tyler, Texas, said he asked Pope Francis about the Vatican investigation into Theodore E. McCarrick and the release of a promised report on how the former cardinal managed to rise through the church ranks.
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Pope lifts secrecy obligation for those who report having been abused

Pope Francis has abolished the obligation of secrecy for those who report having been sexually abused by a priest and for those who testify in a church trial or process having to do with clerical sexual abuse.
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Vatican’s top investigator on abuse crisis addresses Notre Dame forum

U.S. Catholics "have to be prepared for another wave of traumatic narrative" regarding the clergy sex abuse crisis, Archbishop Charles Scicluna said Nov. 13 at the University of Notre Dame.
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Results released from independent investigation of Diocese of Bridgeport

The report found that Bishop Lori took “immediate and strong steps,” removing abusive priests, instituting organizational procedures for preventing and responding to abuse and beginning “meaningful outreach efforts to survivors for the first time in the diocese’s history.”
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Archbishop Lori participates in Notre Dame expert panel on clergy sex abuse crisis

Archbishop Lori said the numbers of abuse cases are significantly down, “but one case is still too many.” He emphasized that it is necessary always to see the charter and norms not just as policies to be complied with. Rather, he said bishops and their coworkers need to have “a conversion of mind and heart.”
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In Baltimore kickoff to speaking tour, Irish abuse survivor says she is disappointed with global reforms

Clergy sexual abuse survivor Marie Collins kicked off a five-city U.S. speaking tour on “The Catholic Tipping Point” in Baltimore Sept. 10, noting that she is disappointed with the results of the Vatican summit on child protection and efforts toward accountability and transparency.
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Appeals court upholds Cardinal Pell conviction on abuse charges

An Australian appeals court upheld the conviction of Cardinal George Pell on five counts of sexually assaulting two choirboys more than two decades ago.
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Pope applauds launch of abuse investigation center in Chile

A specialized center at Chile's premier Catholic university can help the Catholic Church protect minors and vulnerable persons from the scourge of clerical sexual abuse, which has plagued the Catholic Church in the country and around the world, Pope Francis said.
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Purging silence: Vatican expands abuse prevention to lay movements

Millions of Catholics live their faith through their association with lay movements and Catholic groups, but some also have lost their faith when they were sexually abused in those groups and felt they had nowhere to turn.
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Report: U.K. church officials ‘deliberately misled’ U.S. archdiocese

An English church official "deliberately misled" a U.S. archdiocese into harboring a pedophile priest and helping him to escape justice for a quarter of a century, said a report from a child abuse inquiry.
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Vatican official praises Catholic media for coverage of sex abuse crisis

In a remarkably frank and detailed speech, the Vatican official heading the department charged with reviewing clergy sexual abuse allegations told an assembly of Catholic journalists June 19 that his investigators and the press "share the same goal, which is the protection of minors, and we have the same wish to leave the world a...
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An update from Archbishop Lori

Please join me in praying for the victim-survivors, for the renewal of our Church and for those of us who are charged with the awesome responsibility to shepherd and guide the Faithful during these difficult days.
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