Child & Youth Protection

Archdiocese of Baltimore spurred to action

The release of the Maryland Attorney General’s report April 5 on clergy sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of Baltimore was a day of sorrow, Archbishop William E. Lori said. “It’s a day that I must face, and the archdiocese must face the enormity of this horrid legacy of sexual abuse. It is a day when...
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Un mensaje del arzobispo Lori sobre la próxima publicación del informe del Fiscal General de Maryland

Estoy comprometido a acompañar a los fieles de la Arquidiócesis mientras cada uno de ustedes busca asumir el contenido del informe. Y así como les ofrezco mis oraciones, les pido que consideren orar por los sacerdotes de la Iglesia de hoy, que llevan la carga de los pecados del pasado mientras trabajan para proclamar el...
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A Message from Archbishop Lori on the upcoming Md. Attorney General report release

On behalf of the Archdiocese, I offer my heartfelt apology to the victim-survivors and their families once again today, as I will tomorrow and every day that an expression of regret and atonement is meaningful to those who have suffered.
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‘The Church of today is not the Church described by the attorney general.’ Here’s what’s changed.

I will continue to join my words with the archdiocese’s demonstrated commitment that the Church’s response today to sexual abuse is law-abiding, effective and transparent.
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Mensaje del Arzobispo William E. Lori reafirmando que la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore no se opone a la publicación del informe del Fiscal General de Maryland sobre abuso infantil

English 2 de diciembre de 2022 Queridos amigos en Cristo: Los saludo hoy para abordar nuevamente un asunto relacionado con el doloroso y preocupante tema del abuso sexual infantil. Como sabrán, se está hablando mucho sobre si la Arquidiócesis se opone o no a la publicación del informe del Fiscal General de Maryland sobre el...
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A message from Archbishop William E. Lori reaffirming that Archdiocese of Baltimore does not oppose the public release of Maryland Attorney General’s report on child abuse

Español Dec. 2, 2022 Dear Friends in Christ: I greet you today to again address a matter related to the painful and troubling subject of child sexual abuse. As you may know, much is being said about whether the Archdiocese is, or is not, opposing the release of the Maryland Attorney General’s report on the...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Feast of Christ the King

As we gather for the Feast of Christ the King, all of us are aware that the Attorney General has filed a motion in court to release a report that details heartbreaking betrayals of trust and innocence on the part of the Church’s representatives going back to the 1940’s.
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Reports highlight Archdiocese of Baltimore’s efforts to address child sexual abuse

The Archdiocese of Baltimore released a pair of reports May 6 regarding the church’s efforts and activities relating to child sexual abuse in the church. 
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Reporting system to record abuse complaints against bishops begins

A reporting system accepting sexual misconduct allegations against U.S. bishops and eparchs is in place.
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Archdiocese of Baltimore rolls out new national system to receive complaints against bishops

The Archdiocese of Baltimore implemented locally a new national reporting system for allegations against bishops for sexual misconduct that was activated March 16.
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Maryland bishops: End criminal statute of limitations for interfering with abuse reporting

The Maryland bishops are supporting a bill that would eliminate the criminal statute of limitations for those that prevent or interfere with the reporting of child sexual abuse. 
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Archdiocese’s compensation program aids abuse survivors

When it comes to child sexual abuse, the Archdiocese of Baltimore for decades has offered counseling to anyone harmed by church personnel.
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