Child & Youth Protection

Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time/Patronal Feast of Cathedral of Mary Our Queen

The only way forward in this difficult hour is to center our lives on Christ and through Christ to give the Spirit access to our hearts. In that way, instead of clergy and laity growing apart from one another, we will strive in God’s grace to repair broken relationships, to heal those who have been...
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Pennsylvania prelate says bishops who hid abuse should resign

Erie Bishop Lawrence T. Persico said the only way to regain the trust of the laity after decades-long claims of sexual abuse by priests and others at six Pennsylvania dioceses is by deeds and one of those deeds may mean getting rid of bishops who hid abusers.
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Holy See makes statement on Pennsylvania grand jury report

The abuses described in the report are criminal and morally reprehensible. Those acts were betrayals of trust that robbed survivors of their dignity and their faith.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Opening Mass

This is not a mere public relations crisis. It represents a tsunami of moral failures – grave acts of commission and omission – that have justifiably bewildered and angered God’s people and undercut the Church’s evangelizing mission.
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Cardinal DiNardo announces plan to address ‘moral catastrophe’ of abuse

The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Aug. 16 announced three key goals and a comprehensive plan to address the "moral catastrophe" of the new abuse scandal hitting the U.S. church.
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The truth hurts

Sometimes people do terrible things. They hurt people deeply. They hurt children. They let down people who look up to them, people who trust them. They lie about what they do, and sometimes they tell the people they are hurting to lie, too.
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Archbishop Lori says allegations open old wounds for abuse victims

Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore acknowledged the renewed pain and anger caused by clergy sexual abuse following the release of a Pennsylvania grand jury report that details some of the actions taken by Cardinal William H. Keeler when he was a bishop in Pennsylvania.
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Statement of Archbishop William E. Lori on the Late Cardinal William H. Keeler and the Report of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury

At this difficult time in the life of the Church, we in the Archdiocese of Baltimore are especially saddened and troubled by the news of the late Cardinal William H. Keeler’s failures while serving as Bishop of Harrisburg, one of six dioceses cited in the grand jury report.
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Pennsylvania grand jury says church was interested in hiding abuse

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said that more than 300 priests were linked to abuse claims and over 1,000 victims were identified.
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Abuse letter to Cardinal O’Malley was second priest sent officials

In a June 2015 letter to Boston's Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley obtained by Catholic News Service, a New York priest tells the prelate about "sexual abuse/harassment/intimidation" allegations he had heard concerning then-Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick and asks that if the matter doesn't fall under his purview, to forward it to the "proper agency in the...
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Canon lawyers explain how Vatican abuse trials function

In canon law, there is a basic presumption of innocence but not to the extent seen in U.S. or British law. The accused has the right to defend himself and the right to counsel. But the promoter of justice, a role similar to prosecutor, does not have to prove motive, means or criminal intent.
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Cardinal O’Malley calls for investigation at Boston seminary

The Archbishop of Boston said in an Aug. 10 statement that he has asked the rector of its main archdiocesan St. John Seminary to go on sabbatical leave immediately and is asking for an investigation of allegations made on social media about activities there "directly contrary to the moral standards and requirements of formation for...
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