Child & Youth Protection

Archdiocese of Baltimore to hold virtual town-hall meetings for input on sexual abuse crisis

“Because we were not able to invite everyone to the regional conversations we have already held, we are using two communications platforms – MyParish app and Flocknote – to facilitate conversations and solicit input from the wider archdiocesan community surrounding specific issues related to the abuse crisis,” the archbishop said.
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In homily, Calif. priest says he was abused, hears from dozens of victims

To be a voice for victims of clerical sexual abuse, Father Brendan McGuire realized he had to come to terms with the abuse he suffered at the hands of a priest when he was 18. It was a secret he had held for 35 years.
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Church plans third-party abuse reporting system, code of conduct

Pledging to "heal and protect with every bit of the strength God provides us," the U.S. bishops' Administrative Committee Sept. 19 outlined actions to address the abuse crisis, including approving the establishment of a third-party confidential reporting system for claims of any abuse by bishops.
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Archbishop Lori hears faithful’s concerns about scandals

In the five weeks after a Pennsylvania grand jury released a report detailing allegations of sexual abuse of more than 1,000 minors by 301 priests, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore visited more than a dozen locations in the archdiocese
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Archbishop Lori with West Virginia’s faithful on ‘journey of healing, reconciliation and a hopeful future’

The goal of this investigation is to arrive at the truth and justice for the good of individuals involved and for the common good of the church we love,” Archbishop Lori said.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The goal of this investigation is to arrive at the truth and justice for the good of individuals involved and for the common good of the Church we love. Please pray for an abundance of God’s wisdom that this process may proceed in a manner that is just, thorough, efficient, and above all, a source...
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After meeting pope, cardinal says he’s hopeful about addressing crisis

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston struck a determinedly hopeful tone after his long-awaited meeting with Pope Francis to discuss the growing sexual abuse crisis in the United States.
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Pope to convene world meeting on abuse prevention with bishops’ leaders

Pope Francis is calling the presidents of every Catholic bishops' conference in the world to Rome Feb. 21-24 to discuss the prevention of the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults.
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Archbishop Ganswein says abuse crisis is church’s 9/11

The concern of now-retired Pope Benedict XVI and the promises made by the majority of church leaders were not able to stop the evil of clerical sexual abuse, which has been the 9/11 of the Catholic Church, the retired pope's personal secretary said.
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Council of Cardinals expresses ‘full solidarity’ with pope

Members of Pope Francis' international Council of Cardinals expressed "full solidarity" with him in the midst of questions about his handling of the clerical sexual abuse scandal and said the Vatican is planning a response to allegations made against him by a former nuncio.
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Letter confirms Vatican officials knew of McCarrick allegations in 2000

A top official from the Vatican Secretariat of State acknowledged allegations made by a New York priest in 2000 concerning Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick, according to a letter obtained by Catholic News Service.
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Parishes, parishioners across Baltimore Archdiocese join day of prayer and fasting for reparation in abuse crisis

At least 33 parishes responded to Archbishop William E. Lori’s call to prayer and repentance for the healing of victims of sexual abuse and the healing of the church. The archbishop called for Masses and fasting Sept. 7 as a day of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 
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