Child & Youth Protection

Cesareo fears for church future if more action not taken on abuse

The U.S. bishops gave a standing ovation Nov. 13 to Francesco Cesareo, chairman of the National Review Board, for his report on the widening abuse crisis in the church and his calls for more action from them to address the abuse.
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Archbishop Hebda urges bishops to give all, show commitment to change

In his homily for the Mass, Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda of St. Paul-Minneapolis, said that providence provided inspirational readings for the day on the appropriate patronal feast of St. Josephat, a 16th-century “brother bishop who gave his life for his sheep.”
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Survivors of clergy child sex abuse tell U.S. bishops of rejection, pain

Luis A. Torres Jr. stood before a group of U.S. bishops during one of the most publicly watched of their fall annual meetings Nov. 12 in Baltimore and in doing so revealed to the world the reality that he has lived with since childhood: that he was abused by a priest.
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Protesters call for change outside bishops’ conference in Baltimore

Survivors of clergy sexual abuse shared their stories and demanded church reforms outside the fall meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Nov. 12 in Baltimore.
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Papal nuncio urges U.S. bishops to restore trust, bring about reform

At the start of the annual fall meeting of the U.S. bishops in Baltimore, Archbishop Christophe Pierre encouraged the U.S. bishops to work hard together to restore trust and bring about church reform amid the current crisis in the church.
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Vatican asks USCCB to delay vote on sex abuse response proposals

At the urging of the Vatican, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will not vote on two proposals they were to discuss regarding their response to the clergy sex abuse crisis.
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Pilgrims set out on 50-mile walk in penance, prayer from Emmitsburg to Baltimore

Nineteen people set out Nov. 9 on day one of a three-day trek on foot from Emmitsburg to Baltimore, dubbed “Fifty Miles in Faith: Pilgrimage-Walk for the Priesthood in Penance and Prayer.”
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Archbishop Lori outlines path toward reform and renewal in the Catholic Church

We cannot allow the shame of the devastating failings we now confront to cause us to pause or in any way delay the essential work of the church — sharing God’s love, forgiveness and healing as we work also to promote common understanding, acceptance and mutual respect in a troubled world.
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St. John Vianney’s heart will be available for veneration in Baltimore

The incorrupt heart of one of the Catholic Church’s most beloved saints will be available for public veneration Nov. 10-11 at St. Mary’s Historic Seminary Chapel on Paca Street in Baltimore as part of a national relic tour sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
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Newspapers examine U.S. bishops’ responses to abuse allegations

The Boston Globe and the Philadelphia Inquirer newspapers teamed up for an article published in both daily papers Nov. 4 that examined ways it said the U.S. bishops have failed to police themselves even since their 2002 gathering in Dallas about clergy sex abuse when they "promised that the church's days of concealment and inaction...
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Archbishop Lori: During Baltimore meeting, U.S. bishops will work to restore trust

Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore said he expects the U.S. bishops to set aside most of their regular agenda for the annual fall meeting here Nov. 12-14. Instead, he thinks the bishops will open their meeting with extended prayer. “I think it’s the most foundational step. We have to take a day of reparation...
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Buffalo protocols for addressing abuse claims scrutinized by ’60 Minutes’

How the Diocese of Buffalo handles cases of priests suspected of abuse was the subject of a report Oct. 28 by the CBS newsmagazine "60 Minutes," which talked to a woman who leaked diocesan files on those priests to a local TV station.
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