April 4 marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose principles of nonviolence in the pursuit of civil rights inspired Archbishop William E. Lori’s most recent pastoral letter.Read More
Archbishop William E. Lori returned to the campus of Morgan State University in Baltimore for a special ecumenical service during Black History Month.Read More
In responding to the call of their teaching mission, the Oblate Sisters nurtured the minds and souls of black folk, the very elements of black existence white society routinely denied.Read More
The upcoming 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. prompted Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori to write a pastoral letter on the civil rights leader’s principles of nonviolence.Read More
Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Office of Black Catholic Ministries and held during Black History Month, the event honors those perpetuating the spirit and good works of Mother Lange.Read More
The Catholic Church must confront the sin of racism, listen to people who have been oppressed, and seek reconciliation in part by promoting people of color into leadership roles, said Bishop George Murry of Youngstown, Ohio.Read More
The Catholic Review sits down with Erich March, president of King Memorial Park cemetery, vice president and COO of March Funeral Homes, and parishioner of St. Ann in Baltimore.Read More
Though the Catholic Church has responded to racism for many years, some leaders and church institutions have at times been part of the problem, said a bishop who is heading a committee against racism.Read More
“We can’t start without acknowledging the past,” Father Donald Sterling said. “We’ve got to go through a metanoia, a change of heart. It’s been woven into people’s consciousness, that this (racism) is alright, rather than us being responsive to each other as true brothers and sisters in Christ.”Read More
May the examples of Mother Lange, Father Uncles and others inspire us to follow in their footsteps on the journey for peace, justice and unity.Read More
Bishop Denis J. Madden, urban vicar and auxiliary bishop emeritus of Baltimore, will lead a prayer walk for peace Nov. 2 at St. Veronica, 806 Cherry Hill Road in Cherry Hill.Read More