Behind the Headlines

Faith’s Power to Guide and Renew: A Chat with Andrew Middleton, Director of Apostleship of the Sea

Andrew Middleton’s journey with the Apostleship of the Sea (AOS), an essential ministry under the Archdiocese of Baltimore, began at a surprising and transformative chapter in his life. Raised Catholic in the Sacred Heart and Mary Parish, Andrew’s return to the Church and his subsequent involvement in ministry is a testament to faith’s power to...
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cannon salute

Touchpoints with a saint’s life

As we mark the centenary of the birth of Karol Wojtyla, who became St. John Paul II, it caused me to reflect on moments of my life that intersected with the man who was pope for a great chunk of my life and career in Catholic journalism.
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Journey to the light

We don’t stop celebrating his birth just because the stores take down decorations and end the sales. We find the light in the manger and we trek to the Lord with all who seek him.
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‘Time for a different approach’

We have to do something – actually we have to do a lot of somethings: strengthen families, fight poverty, promote the dignity of life – so that when we get to the end of 2020, we’re not looking at 300 or more homicides in Baltimore again.
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A year ahead of election, breathe deeply

Christopher Gunty offers five strategies to get through this election cycle without destroying our democracy.
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Deacon created shepherd’s crosier for Bishop Brennan

Bishop Brennan's new crosier was crafted by a longtime friend who imagined what King David's crosier may have looked like.
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Did Apollo 11 mission make Archbishop Borders bishop of the moon?

In 1969 he led the Diocese of Orlando, which included the launching pad for the historic Apollo 11 mission.
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‘Yesterday,’ today and forever

The Good News that Jesus brought us is timeless – more timeless even than musical classics such as “Yesterday” or “The Long and Winding Road.”
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‘Infinite sadness’ marks the loss of grand Cathedral of Notre Dame

I’ve visited the grand cathedral a few times since the late 1990s. It is an impressive place to visit and to pray.
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Kittens and babies

Some legislators – at the state and federal level – are so afraid of anything that acknowledges the humanity of an unborn child that they cannot imagine granting any kind of protection, even when it should be obvious.
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‘Unplanned’ isn’t fun to watch, but it’s necessary viewing

It’s an important movie that will challenge your thinking, even if you already consider yourself pro-life.
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