Archbishop’s Ministry

archbishop Lori

Synod Interim Stage Invitation

During this stage of the multi-year, worldwide process of prayer and conversation, we will gather as members of our local Church to reflect specifically on the structures that exist within the Church.
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Junteenth Statement – en español

El 16 de junio, el día que conmemora la fecha histórica en 1865 cuando ocurrió la liberación del último grupo de afroamericanos esclavizados en Texas, es un día de celebración.
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Archbishop Lori welcomes new director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministries

Throughout the pandemic, I have offered Masses for an end to this virus, and I continue to do so. Trusting in God, and seeking the intercession of our Blessed Mother, we hope and pray that this too will pass, and pass soon.
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The Year of the Eucharist Kicks Off the National Eucharistic Revival

The Archdiocese of Baltimore has determined that Father Demek remains suitable for ministry and the Archdiocese’s Office of Child and Youth Protection has recommended that, in light of the investigation, Father Demek be returned to active ministry.
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Maryland bishops call for action against racism

The bishops who make up the governing board of the Maryland Catholic Conference released a statement June 15 that recalls “our own Church’s past sins and failings and admit to them freely.”
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New Baltimore auxiliary bishop wanted to be a ‘frontier priest’

Redemptorist Father Bruce Lewandowski was surprised June 1 by a call from Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio – the pope’s representative in the United States – relating that Pope Francis had selected the pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus/Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Parish in Highlandtown as the archdiocese’s new auxiliary bishop. The appointment was announced...
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El nuevo obispo auxiliar quería ser un ‘sacerdote de la frontera’

El padre redentorista Bruce Lewandowski se dirigía al cementerio el 1 de junio para un servicio junto a la tumba cuando recibió una llamada de un número que no reconoció.
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El Papa nombra al Redentorista como nuevo obispo auxiliar de Baltimore

El Papa Francisco nombró al Padre Redentorista Bruce A. Lewandowski como un nuevo obispo auxiliar de Baltimore. El anuncio fue publicado el 10 de junio por el Arzobispo Christophe Pierre, nuncio apostólico en los Estados Unidos. El obispo designado ha servido desde 2015 como pastor de la parroquia Sacred Heart of Jesus / Sagrado Corazón...
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Pope names Highlandtown Redemptorist as new auxiliary bishop for Baltimore

Pope Francis named Redemptorist Father Bruce A. Lewandowski as a new auxiliary bishop of Baltimore. The announcement was publicized June 10 by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.
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Archbishop Lori offers invocation at ‘Protest with a Purpose’

The archbishop prayed for the Holy Spirit to consume racism and the conditions that led to the deaths of Floyd, Gray, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and others around the nation.
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Baltimore faith leaders call for peace and unity

Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori joined faith leaders from across the city June 3 to pray for peace and healing after more than a week of nationwide protests and unrest in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of four Minneapolis police officers.
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Archbishop Lori calls Knights founder a ‘visionary leader’ as miracle approved for beatification

Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori felt “great joy” when he heard the news that Pope Francis had accepted a miracle attributed to the intercession of Father Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus.
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