O God of all the ages, we invoke your Holy Name as we celebrate the birthday of our First President, George Washington in this historic place graced by his presence. We give you thanks for the courage and wisdom in helping our nation win its independence and in guiding it during its most formative years....Read More
God of truth and love, send your blessing upon the Maryland Senate, upon all its members and those they represent. Through your kindly spirit, guide its deliberations, now and in the days ahead. May its work be rooted in your law, written on all human hearts and animated by that charity which flows from your...Read More
Introduction Good afternoon! I hope you are enjoying the Mid-Atlantic Congress so far! And I am delighted to be with all of you as evening draws near to celebrate this Votive Mass for Evangelization. You may have seen that the Vatican recently issued a new directory or guide for preaching. The headline that went along...Read More
Introduction Pope Francis often urges us to bring the Good News to the margins of society: to those who are poor, sick, homeless, or imprisoned, to victims of natural disasters, and to those who are ostracized. In the same vein, he speaks out against what he calls the “throw-away culture” – the tendency of secular...Read More
Introduction The story is told of a priest who, years ago, ran afoul of his bishop. It seems that this particular priest preferred a quiet and pleasant life; sadly, he had a reputation for not breaking a ministerial sweat. Nevertheless he imagined himself to be diligent and hard-working. Indeed, his definition of work was expansive....Read More
Introduction In these violent days when people are being killed by beheading, burning, and even crucifixion, many because of their Christian faith, today’s Scripture readings and our feast, St. Paul Miki and his companions, should have special resonance in our lives. What light does today’s liturgy shed on our violent world and the role which...Read More
Introduction: Good Character, Leadership, and Service It is a pleasure for me to be here at Archbishop Curley High School to offer this Mass and to take part in the National Honor Society induction. I want to thank your President, Father Don Grzymski for inviting me, and to greet Father Matthew Foley and Father Peter...Read More
Last week, in honor of Catholic Schools Week, I had the pleasure of visiting several of our Catholic schools. Three of the schools I visited happened to be sponsored by women religious. The schools – Mount de Sales Academy in Catonsville, Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson, and The Catholic High School of Baltimore in East Baltimore...Read More
Introduction This afternoon we gather to celebrate in the Archdiocese of Baltimore the World Day of Consecrated Life, a celebration that is part of an entire year which our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has dedicated to consecrated life. Perhaps a word of explanation might be helpful for those of you in the Basilica this afternoon...Read More
Authoritarian vs Authoritative It is probably true that most Americans do not like heavy-handed authority. We regard brutal regimes and dictatorships as a violation of human rights. So too, the subject of authority can be neuralgic at home, in the workplace, and in the Church. As a rule, we don’t like to be judged and...Read More
Scroll down for Spanish I am delighted to be here with so many of my fellow priests and especially with so many young men who are open to a priestly vocation. It gives me great hope to see so many who are willing to say yes to God’s will in your life. A vocation is...Read More
Introduction I am happy to return to Mount De Sales not only for Catholic Schools Week but also to celebrate with you the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, the great Dominican priest and theologian, arguably the greatest theologian in the history of the Church. So to Sister Mary Thomas, the Dominican Sisters, to the faculty...Read More